"levitation" crap, too.

Its as believable as Marshy's levitation crap.

 From: "fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2014 9:29 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Take Me For A Ride; A look inside Lenz's cult, and 
Barry's mind

Yes, take a look at the book - It explains Barry's thinking quite well. A good 
read, sorry I didn't see it sooner. 
Freddie said he was the perfect mirror, and if you perceived something negative 
in him, you were really seeing it in yourself. Sounds so much like Bawee. 
Explains all the "golden light" and "levitation" crap, too.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

Look, every body gets the "pushing of buttons".  We all get ours pushed 
sometimes, and we all do some pushing ourselves.

But, from what you've found below, it does it appear that Barry has elevated 
this "pushing of buttons" to, well, some kind of religion.

And as in most religions, some things get distorted.

Helps to explain things, I think. (-:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote :

If you want to know how Barry thinks, and how he got so screwed up, there is a 
free ebook, from someone who was very close to Freddie. The name of the book 
Coming Of Age In A Destructive Cult, by Mark E. Laxer. Available on the link 
that Richard posted.

Here are some quotes from the book. When I read them, they sounded strangely 
familiar. Note: Freddie used to call himself, "Atmananada" (Soul of Love), 
before he decided he was the final incarnation of Vishnu. The guy sounds VERY 

Atmanandaexposed his Big Nurse nature in other
ways.  He claimed,
for instance, that he had to "press
all the right buttons"
to help people overcome their resistance
to the Light and to him….
He taught me to fear what would happen if
I left the Centre.
"You know too much to leave.  It's a greedy, materialistic world
out there.  Your soul would be miserable.  Besides, the Forces would
flatten you like a bug.  You would lose thousands of lifetimes
of evolution."
He taught me to fear, not just the Forces
but people, particularly old
friends and family.  "It's best if you don't tell them what
we do here.
Believe me, they won't understand.  They'll end up blocking your
progress and sapping your power.“…


"Atmananda," I suddenly announced.  "I *saw* the Warriors."
Others in the circle soon *saw* them too.
Atmanandaheld desert trips once or twice a month
and, by mid-1983,
followers *saw* him walking above the
ground on a "cushion of light,"
flying to distant mountains, sending
columns of light into the sky,
and causing constellations to gyrate and
On one starlit night, Atmanandaraised his hands above his head.
As he slowly lowered them, he made a low,
whistling sound like
the wind.
"What did you *see*?" he asked
"I didn't *see* anything," one
new follower bemoaned.
"Advanced psychic vision is
necessary to perceive what I am doing…

"Are you Rama?" someone asked.
"Yes," he replied.  "I am Rama, the last incarnation of
You people think that I am a person, but
I am not.  Over the years
I watched my various selves fade
away.  I fought the process tooth
and nail--like each of you are doing
now.  But it was in vain.
I could not stop the process of
dissolution.  I had to admit that I
was no longer a person.  This morning I suddenly knew who I was.
I have been cycling...I am beginning to
has named me Rama...Rama most clearly
reflects my strand
of luminosity...We're at the end of a
cycle...At this time,
Vishnu takes incarnation as a
person...Vishnu is that aspect of God
that preserves and protects
life...Rama...the last incarnation
of Vishnu..."

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <punditster@...> wrote :

On 10/17/2014 9:16 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

But to bring this whole diversion (for that is
what it is) back into the present, I really wish that
Richard, Jim, and a few others would leave off this
try-to-get-to-me-by-bringing-up-Rama shit. It's old, and
it's based on your *own* cult thinking and how *your*
minds work, not how mine works. 
>>>You need to get a grip, Barry - you just posted about "Rama shit" a
few months ago!
>>>"I've seen someone levitate. Many times. In many settings, from
the Los Angeles 
>>>Convention Center to the Anza-Borrego Desert to a Denny's
restaurant in the wee 
>>>hours of the night." - TurquoiseB 
>>>Subject: TM is a Cult?
>>>Author: TurquoiseB
>>>Group: Yahoo Fairfieldife
>>>Date: Friday, 23 May 2014
>>>Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM is a Cult?
>>>      Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM is a Cult? 
>>>From: salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> Advertising ---In 
>>>FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :Salya,I think ...  
>>>View on www.mail-archive.com    Preview by Yahoo   

Richard, you've done it again!


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