Fleetwood, I haven't watched an interview in a very long time but finally did 
so with Rick's interview with Panache Desai. Mainly because I haven't had any 
contact with Panache's work in about 2 years and I was curious. 

I'm really glad I followed that curiosity! Very lively guy, very embodied and 
devoted to helping others live a householder way of life fully and richly. He 
even leads a little process after about an hour. He's big on coming back to the 
breath in challenging moments. So simple and practical! 

      From: "fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 10:17 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Scientist Reviews Three Types of Meditation
    I will do my best to watch his interview, though my track record for 
finishing these things is abysmal. Yes, it is "pretty bloody intense"; anything 
that heaven and hell can throw at you. Unbounded awareness is more than a catch 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote :

"I don't think of CC as enlightened...". Yes, kind of a grand experiment going 
on these days - The old descriptions of enlightenment, based on cognition, and 
perfection of the sidhis, by those living a monastic lifestyle, needs to be 
updated. As critical and necessary, as the vast knowledge encompassed by the 
Veda, and the science of Yoga, is, so too, is the necessity to merge such a 
delicate and powerful science, with everyday life, how most of us live. Unlike 
those great saints who dwelt in caves, investing silence, into silence, our 
investments in the world, as householders, are all about people, and 
relationships. CC is a great benchmark, but being surrounded by relationships 
with others, UC becomes a requirement, a means to make life easier, the 
unlocking and fulfillment of Maharishi's goal of world peace, begun at the 
level of the individual (CC), but finding its joy in perfect relationships, 
with everyone (UC).Thanks for bringing that up - I've been thinking off and on, 
about what enlightenment means, if we aren't focused on cognizing the Veda, and 
perfecting the sidhis, in a cave. I think it means having perfect relationships 
with ourselves, and those around us, sentient or not. Conversely, these days, 
expanding the consciousness to CC, means very little, if we cannot fulfill our 
role in the world around us.PS This is what I meant a few months ago, when I 
wrote, "UC sucks" - lol - a description of its influence on us, upward and 
outward, vs. a subjective description of the SOC - my little joke.
Check out the new Batgap interview just posted with Sat Shree. The first part 
is about his experience, his physical as well as psychological experiences, of 
his "awakening". I thought the man was very genuine in lots of respects and the 
stages of his personal "enlightenment" which took 7 years and a very wise 
teacher to guide him, were pretty bloody intense. Have a listen if you have the 
time. I would be interested in your take on it if you feel so inclined.

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