From: salyavin808 <>

---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

You should study jyotish, particularly the Nadi Astrology system.   NA can show 
you why certain things happen even though on the surface it looks brilliant.  
Specifically, a person may have a strong 9th house which gives good results 
relating to spirituality and the experiences of samadhi and the siddhis.  But a 
strong 9th house is not necessarily beneficial to the 10th house affairs 
relating to career and work recognition.
This is the reason why knowledge of the cuspal sublords can tell you the 
ancillary effects of a favorable 9th house.  With this knowledge, one can make 
adjustments to his or her activities and take advantage of what nature has in 
store for the person.

The Cuspal Sublords! I just found the name of my new metal band.
I remember their big hit "I Can Predict What The Sun Is Going To Do Tomorrow 
Morning Because I'm So Fuckin' Smart."  :-)

', But I love the way you write this stuff as though it all makes some sort of 
sense and can be used for divination purposes. I've really yet to see it here 
or anywhere.
It only "makes sense" to those who have previously invested years or decades in 
believing this kinda crap. Once they have done this, they pretty much *have* to 
keep believing it, or admit that they wasted their life pursuing nonsense. And 
we all know THAT is never gonna happen. :-)

---In, <> wrote :

---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

What kind of experiences have you had that is comparable to the enlightened 
I've been there dude. I've talked about it before on here. TM blew my mind for 
a while, I saw the light, experienced the oneness that is also everything else 
at the same time but without changing it's own nature. Good trip, not a good 
long term proposition perhaps. 
I can see why religions get started over it though, it's easy to think that 
what is happening inside accurately reflects what's happening outside, and when 
you get a change of perception like that you might think you are seeing a 
deeper level of external reality but what we see of the world is created in our 
heads anyway so changes to that are changes in how our consciousness is created 
I don't think I'd make a very inspiring guru but people reacted differently to 
me when I was like it, bit of ultra blissed darshan for the guys at work. Maybe 
I would have got promoted quicker if it had hung around. But I went to live 
with the TMO because of experiences like this and they never came back. LOL!
The rest is history...

---In, <> wrote :

---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

Humans are limited and conditioned beings.  Enlightened beings who have 
understood Being have to show the rest of us in concrete words and deeds the 
experience of the unified field.  Philosophy and its fancy words and ideas, for 
me, do not convey the real meaning.
So, you would have to use discretion in concluding that the world's wisdom 
books are fiction.  A person, who makes criticisms and conclusions without 
reasonable and logical basis, is a fool.
But the bible and the gita are completely different books from different 
cultures and with different aims among the so-called wisdom of their gods. To 
cherry pick a few remarks as being some sort of Truth that all ancient 
religions share is stretching credulity a bit. They aint remotely similar. 
And as usual, the problem is really that the experiences the wise speak of are 
the same as the ones I have had but we differ in interpretation of what they 
mean. In the absence of any information beyond that which can be gained by 
their senses they created a worldview that I don't think matches up with 
reality. I've been there, tried it on for size and disagreed with their 

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

I really hate to be the person to have to explain this to you, JR, but the 
Bhagavad-Gita, the Old Testament, and the New Testament are all FICTION. You 
don't "win" philosophical discussions by invoking them, any more than if you 
had invoked the Harry Potter books.    

  From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 8:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Non-biological Intelligence
Yes, IMO consciousness is alive.  The Bhagavad Gita has shown this when Arjuna 
asked Krishna to show his true self.  And, Krishna showed a vision of  infinite 
types of beings to disclose who He is.
On the other hand, the Old Testament states that Yahweh is the "I AM Who AM".
However, in the New Testament, Jesus is shown to be the embodiment of 
Consciousness in a human form.
---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

John, what you say brings up this question for me: is consciousness alive?Hmmm, 
or maybe better to ask: is Beingness alive?

  From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 3:44 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Non-biological Intelligence
It all depends on what you believe is the basis of the universe.  If you 
believe that consciousness is the basis of the universe, it is likely that you 
would say biological intelligence is the more common way of development.  This 
is because we know this happens on earth where humans exist.
Non-biological intelligence implies that this is created by another type 
ofbeings--more likely humans or biological entities.  I can see how a 
non-biological intelligence could be an advantage.   For example, robots can 
direct and maintain the functions of a spaceship for centuries, without eating 
and sleeping like humans, until the destination is reached.
In the distant future, humans could develop these intelligent robots to take 
human sperms and eggs to a nearby or distant star in the Milky Way.  When an 
earthlike planet is reached or found, the robots can artificially inseminate 
the eggs with sperms to grow human beings who will populate or repopulate the 
new world.
But if there is a faster way to get to the other worlds, then the assumptions 
would be different.

---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

John and salyavin, thanks, I enjoyed both these articles and thoroughly 
appreciate the concluding remarks:So, how do weprepare for something we know so 
little about? We do so "by continuingto do good science, but also by realizing 
that science is notmetaphysically neutral," concluded the conference host 
Steven Dick.He added: "We prepare by continuing to question our assumptions 
about the nature of life and intelligence."

 Read more at:
  From: salyavin808 <>
 Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 1:50 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Non-biological Intelligence

---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

A SETI scientist states that this may be the most dominant intelligence in the 
cosmos.  Somehow, it appears that scientists like him are missing something in 
their assessment about the capabilities of biological entities like human 
beings.  It may be possible to communicate with ETs instantaneously with the 
human mind through mental telepathy
I imagine there's a pretty good reason they don't consider things like that at 
scientific conferences. The fact that humans can't do telepathy is probably 
chief among them.
  This can be justified through the principle of quantum entanglement.
Not quite as simple as that, but I'll bet anything it won't be used 
telepathically, communicating with entanglement would require very 
sophisticated equipment, you've got to separate and remove fundamental 
particles and move them about. It's a big job and I'm pretty sure that you need 
to have both particles in the same place to start with to know whether they are 
actually entangled or not.
Trouble is, no one really knows what is happening during entanglement 
experiments. Can subatomic particles communicate faster than light - thus 
destroying our realist concept of space - or is there something we don't know 
about how they work? Perhaps the state of the particle pairs is determined 
before they are separated by some deeperprinciple we don't yet undertsand.
If they can communicate faster than light than then how do we know from our 
perspective which event causes the other? Or is time an emergent phenomena that 
doesn't apply to the subatomic world? Etc etc. Very interesting subject though 
whatever it's practical uses end turn out to be. 
One thing is for sure if we could use it to communicate with aliens we can use 
it to communicate on Earth. Hopefully we can do that before my laptop wears out 
and I have to fork out for a new one...

Preparing for alien life

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|  |     |  |     Preparing for alien life At a recent event sponsored by NASA 
and the Library of Congress, a group of scientists and scholars explored how we 
might prepare for the inevitablediscove... |  |
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  • Re: [FairfieldL... Share Long [FairfieldLife]
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        • [F... salyavin808
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        • [F... salyavin808
        • [F... [FairfieldLife]
        • [F... salyavin808
        • Re... Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
        • Re... Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
        • Re... Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
        • Re... 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
        • Re... TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
        • Re... salyavin808

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