---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote :

 Yes, this is what angers and frustrates those in the waking state. They are 
ego bound, and yet feel stupid and inadequate, in the presence of someone 
enlightened. You can watch the results as we speak. Quite a show, and a 
huuuuuge waste of time for these beginners, who, had they ANY sense at all, 
would be doing TM, instead of trying to see how many angels can dance on the 
head of a pin. Not that I mind. :-)

 When I was a newbie meditator I had this hunger for enlightenment, I'd had the 
experiences of CC up to unity many times and thought it must be an enviable 
state to be in all the time.

 After quitting my job and moving in to an academy I started to notice that 
people who had been doing TM for decades were for the most part, erm, highly 
eccentric, occasionally aggressive and generally rather odd. At first I put it 
down to the fact that they'd either not done enough TM or maybe too much .

 I did meet the occasionally evolved person which seemed to make it all 
worthwhile. You know the type, they carry a bit of dignity and have no obvious 
hang-ups or emotional blocks or ego problems. Clear minded people that act 
lively and always seem well adjusted. I think it was Maslow who had studied 
people who he described as self-realised and the description fits well. But 
then his description included open-minded inquiry and TMer's tend to have a 
True Believer devotee attribute.

 So I came to the conclusion - perhaps unfairly - that they must have been that 
personally quite evolved or halfway there to start with. I've yet to see any 
evidence that so-called enlightenment via TM is anything other than a 
personality disorder or even mental illness. Or at least an imbalance of some 
sort in the way the brain usually balances ego and other hormonal functions.

 The big question is: Is it worth crossing the street for? I've yet to see or 
hear anything from the TMO that makes me want to do TM with enlightenment as 
the goal, let alone sit around in a dome for hours every day. So I guess not, 
we will all answer the question differently I suppose and be happy with the 
answer we give ourselves.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

 Whereas the Movement never would "out" an enlightened individual, there are 
many souls popping these days. How do you verify another persons enlightenment 
? You don't because you can't. Maharishi was asked this question and he 
answered that the person have to be enlightened himself to recognize 
enlightenment in the other. So all the beginners here at FFL; don't even try.
 "It is said that Lord Buddha brought 500 people to enlightenment. I think we 
will do better"
 His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

 Okay, so now we're getting somewhere. I think this must be true. Only an 
enlightened person would recognize enlightenment in another. "It takes one to 
know one." Who woulda thought.




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