Does anyone know if some TM-Teachers has been in court with the TMO? 
In Norway we had one case in the 70ths, where some TM-Teachers were 
kicked out of the TMO, and they started their own organisation, 
teaching Transcendental Meditation. It was a Court-Case where the 
TMO lost. Afterwards it came to an Agreement that the TMO paid a lot 
of money to the New Organisation not to use the words Transcendental 
meditation. The New Organisation named ACEM is very successfull in 
Norway, they are holding courses everywhere regularly, they own 
Hotels with great Standards and is very much respected. They have 
changed the procedure, do not perform Puja, and has taken away 
everything that reminds about MMY. Why they was banned, was that 
they started to ask questions about the TMO, bookcounting, where 
does the money go, the dogma and MMY.

--- In, "tmforlife108" 
> TMO as a valid employer
> It will be interesting to see how things shape up in South Florida 
with the independent TM 
> teacher there.  He recently posted here that he is having trouble 
with advertising TM as an 
> "unrecertified teacher". The TMO is trying to block that 
activity.  Goldstein with MUM legal 
> had written a letter to a magazine there. I just found out Mike 
Scozzari has received the 
> standard cease and desist letter from a law firm representing the 
TMO.  Mike said his legal 
> counsel is advising him not to respond to threats unless ordered 
by the courts. In addition 
> to a legal team, he has a publicist here in San Francisco that 
wants to do a feature on 
> independents who teach for less should this go to court.
> Back in 1993  here in California one independent TM teacher (a 
regular to fairfieldlife) told 
> me he advised  the movement they would only hurt themselves if 
they took legal action 
> against him.  The court and publicity could potentially uncover a 
long list of TMO errors 
> and embarrassments.  If they threatened trademark infringement in 
1993 but didn't take 
> legal action over all these years,  any judge would question the 
validity of an unprotected 
> trademark. The California teacher referred to here teaches TM as 
an independent today 
> and has helped many people learn the technique charging much less 
than the national 
> average, He is successful because he is a good teacher.  Lets not 
get lost  criticizing him 
> for not sharing the income with national.  They make that 
impossible for someone who 
> wants to make a living at this.  Teachers should be making the 
majority of the course fee 
> with a small percentage going to the TMO for a franchise fee.  
That wold never happen as 
> the movement would not have a stronghold on the purse and 
therefore a stronghold on 
> the teacher.
> With the latest round of TMO stupidity and recertification to 
teach, and with promises for 
> salaries not kept, what legitimate U.S. court would accept the TMO 
as a valid employer?  
>  I agree in part with an earlier post from spraig@ - The TMO does 
have the right to it's 
> trademark protection. L'm not an attorney either but if the owner 
of the trademark fails to 
> protect it and misuses it......that could be a very interesting 
question for the courts to look 
> at. The TMO has demonstrated itself to be an unreliable employer 
incapable of fulfilling 
> it's promises, withdrawing promised salaries with the latest 
recertification project. If 
> teachers pay to train to teach and the trademark owner makes that 
impossible, who then 
> has the right to use the trademark? The argument could be made in 
court that 
> overwhelming evidence exists to sue the tm org for Fraudulent & 
Deceptive & Exploitative 
> employment practices.
> I thought the letter to the magazine in south Florida was 
threatening.  This TMO tactic is 
> designed to frighten and why go after the magazine. The 
recertified teachers there are 
> probably ticked off that someone is competing with them.  
Competition is good and 
> everyone should teach!  I received an e-mail which I think did a 
good job of summing up:
> "The national course fee in the US set by the Transcendental 
Meditation Organization is 5 
> times what it was in 1993.  Consequently the numbers are way down, 
people are not 
> starting. Many experienced/certified teachers throughout the U.S. 
have had to settle the 
> problem of runaway prices by privately offering TM instruction at 
very reasonable rates.  
> Without compromising the original effective technique, TM can now 
be learned for less.  
> It's the same technique. People everywhere, rich or poor, should 
have the opportunity to 
> take the course and follow-up lessons."
> I wonder how many TM teachers there are who would like to teach if 
they knew they would 
> not be threatened.  This latest event could be the rallying point 
for all of them - and don't 
> kid yourself, there are many!  Of the 40K trained in the US, and 
so few teaching, there are 
> still many who would love to teach and could make a difference.  I 
know the attorneys in 
> south Florida have been talking about a fund to help cover the 
costs if they go to trail. If 
> all TM teachers could benefit, independence could be for all.  
Maybe they are already free 
> of this and just don't realize it!
> Daniel Jeffers
> Sent to me from one recertified teacher from 
California......regarding TMO threat to the 
> magazine in Florida:
> "If anyone should be censored, it is the tm org. For trying to 
monopolize a universally-
> beneficial spiritual teaching, and for trying to intimidate & 
prohibit qualified teachers from 
> sharing this teaching with the public.  Most publications are 
natural advocates of free 
> speech. In our society we celebrate diversity of opinions & 
teachings & lifestyles.  As one  
> attorney  stated:  "the tm org. has an illegitimate trademark------
-they've never defended 
> it in the past 40 years------and it will certainly fail in court, 
whenever it comes to court" 
> ---- they, the tm org., have not followed the laws in this 
situation-------this is simply a 
> dispute or difference of opinion within a particular spiritual 
teaching:  the government & 
> laws do not take sides in these disputes-------for example, the 
government does not try 
> to influence who will be elected pope, or what position the 
southern baptist convention 
> will take on issues, or what approach they will take to promote 
christianity-----or what 
> approach should be taken in the teaching of transcendental 
meditation, etc.  It's a free 
> marketplace of ideas, and as true american citizens, we respect 
the right of everyone to 
> freely speak and teach the truth as they believe.  The tm org., on 
the other hand, does not 
> truly respect the u.s. constitution------they openly support the 
establishment of 
> monarchies throughout the world, and they openly function as a 
monarchy within their 
> own org. structure.  They believe the monarch has the absolute 
authority to control all 
> information & education, and they are openly calling for the 
entire world to be one 
> country, under the rule of an absolute monarch!   Judging by the 
history of the tm org., 
> and its horrible mismanagement, destroying a vital worldwide 
movement that was 
> benefitting millions of people, this is very alarming.  We can 
respect their right to express 
> their viewpoint, but the O.S. constitution and the majority of 
Americans are not likely  to 
> allow them to implement their vision of a totalitarian society!   
They force people in their 
> own org. to bow down to appointed kings wearing robes & crowns!   
They are calling for 
> the destruction of all homes & buildings & cities in the world, 
destroying all the treasured 
> cultural & historical landmarks, even reversing the direction of 
the flow of major rivers in 
> Europe, just to conform to their dictation as to what is proper.   
They talk in idealistic 
> terms of "world peace" and developing everyone's full potential, 
but this is obscuring the 
> truth that they wish to control every detail of a person's thought 
& life!    At their 
> "university" in Iowa  (for objective history, see
> updates.html), they are taking millions in federal funds, while 
violating federal laws------
> they claim TM is not a religion or lifestyle (it's true---it 
isn't) but in practice, they rigidly 
> suppress all freedom of speech & assembly on campus.  One recent 
example (among 
> thousands):  a student was informed by the dean of students, that 
she could not teach a 
> yoga class in town, off campus, because that style of yoga was not 
sanctioned by the 
> university.  The university for years has warned students not to 
attend the meetings of any 
> other spiritual teachings (other than established mainstream 
religions).  Students who are 
> caught doing so, are expelled.  It goes on & on.  The teachings of 
Maharishi & TM are 
> wonderful & practical, but have been grossly distorted by an 
overbearing organization in 
> the past several years.  Trained & experienced independent TM 
teachers, have the right in 
> this great democracy, to present the truth of Maharishi's teaching 
freely to the public, and 
> to share the benefits of TM freely with the public.  A great 
example of  the great benefit to 
> our society from independent TM teachers is the work of the 
Enlightened Sentencing 
> Project in St. Louis, Missouri, where 12 judges have directed 
hundreds of probationers to 
> learn TM (see Farrok's web site -  The TM org. 
focuses its programs on the 
> superrich:  following the basic recommendations of the org. can 
cost an individual 
> $50,000 to $100,000 per year, or more.  They have the right to do 
that [although it seems 
> their nonprofit status might be called into question ], but the 
government will not take 
> their side in suppressing the activities of independent TM 
> Below is a letter from  recertified teacher John W Chandler.  He 
sent this to Farrokh, 
> Farrokh sent it to me:
> This poor  TM Teacher  left his job to go for recertification. 
Read his story.
>  .
>  "Just came across your e-mail address and was wondering how you 
were doing?
>  I just went through 4.5 months of major stress.  I quit my job at 
the bank and signed up 
> for the TM Peace Palace Project as a Recertified 
Governor/Director.  Then the next thing I 
> knew, they canceled our course, told us to get to work right away, 
and by the way "you're 
> not going to get paid or reimbursed for your expenses until we 
decide you deserve it".  
> Boy did I hit the roof when they pulled that switch on us.  
Nevertheless, I stuck it out for 3 
> months before I quit.  So, I lost 4.5 months of income, lost my 
old job, all my seniority, my 
> 401k contributions, my territory and my credibility.  All because 
I dared to believe the 
> movement was going to honor their word when they said they would 
pay us $4000/month 
> salary + reimburse any expenses we incurred setting things up.  
They lied.  So, now I'm 
> free of the movement.  I'll never trust or believe anything they 
say ever again, and 
> unfortunately I don't trust MMY as much anymore either; although 
he may be heavily 
> influenced by the greedy people around him.
>  Fortunately the bank is taking me back and I start again next 
week, but at a lower rank, 
> less salary, no matching 401k funds, and less vacation.  Oh well, 
live and learn.
>  So, that's my bright and cheerful update.  Hope yours is going 
>  John W Chandler

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