---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 That's the whole point. It's the classic Saul Alinsky tactic. If you are 
busted for something, deny it and accuse your accuser of the same, but louder.

 Actually, that's a classic *Karl Rove* tactic.

 The problem here is that Bill Clinton's accusers, accused him almost 
immediately. Trump's accusers, accused as much as thirty years later. Silent 
till now. Trump has been a public figure for some thirty years or longer and 
never accused publicly of these things

 I think we all know (including you) that what set off Trump's accusers was his 
flat denial in the second debate that he had ever sexually assaulted anyone, 
after having been caught bragging about doing exactly that.

 and never called a racist until he ran against a Democrat.

 Au contraire, Pierre. His racism has been a recurrent theme for as long as 
he's been a public figure:

 Trump Once Sued By Feds For Not Renting To Blacks 
 Trump Once Sued By Feds For Not Renting To Blacks 
 NEW YORK -- Donald Trump’s vehement questioning regarding President Obama's 
place of birth has provoked charges of racism, with a number of public figure...
 View on www.huffingtonpost.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Lots and lots of examples in this story.

 This is their *play book*. BTW, he was a Democrat when he supposedly did these 
things, thus it wasn't his fault, he was a victim of a *patriarchal society*up 
bringing. Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket! Remember when Bill Clinton perjured 
himself and all we heard was, "it's just about sex"


 That wasn't "all we heard," not by a long shot. He was condemned for his lying 
as much as for the deeds themselves.

 Also, there are wholes big enough to drive an 18 wheeler through in some of  
these stories.

 I'm sure you can point out these "wholes," Mike. We'll wait. (You can forget 
about the no-armrest-in-first-class dodge, BTW. That's been thoroughly 

 The fact that Wikileaks is exposing the medias bias and compliance and 
coordination with the Hillary campaign says enough.


 Wikileaks isn't "exposing" any such thing.

 Once again, Mike, you're doing an extremely poor job of defending your man. 
You make him look worse instead of better.



 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 8:52 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] One Question
 So, how is Trump's besmirching of his female accusers any different or better 
or more justified than Hillary's alleged attacks against Bill Clinton's 
accusers? Does Trump not realize he's doing the exact same thing he accuses his 
opponent of? I haven't seen this point made anywhere in the media yet. What the 




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