In a message dated 4/17/06 10:37:09 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
The white horse we rode in on is dead. What we need to be doing now
responsibly and in a grounded, hard headed way, looking out for our
own interests, is acting within the family of nations. Cooperatively
and diplomatically. It is easy to frame the problems we face as
black and white, 'we are always right and they are always wrong'
issues. But easy doesn't always equal successful, unfortunately.
I don't know what you think we have been doing for so many years now with Iran. It has not just been the concern of the United States or Israel that Iran not have a nuclear arsenal, it has been all of Europe as well. They have been the ones pushing for negotiations and doing the negotiating, Bush has set back and let them talk till they are blue in the face and when Europeans ask us to get more involved we do at their request. It's not just the United States that has talked tuff with Iran if you will recall Chirac made a statement that appeared on the front page of just about every world wide news paper that France would not hesitate to retaliate with nukes if any terrorist group set one off in France. As I recall that was a direct threat to Iran. I don't get for one minute where anybody on this list thinks anybody is trying to rush in and bomb the hell out of Iran. However there will come a point at which we either let Iran have a nuclear arsenal or we stop it by force. Unless Iran has a major awakening before.

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