--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate
> <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <jflanegi@>
> wrote:
> > >
> > > Thanks for posting this. Although your title is somewhat
> > > disingenuous, given the statement within the text that states:
> >
> > I am not seeing why the Saint Sivananda is disingenuous.
> >
> I was referring to Vaj's title of the post, not the saint dude's...
> I don't think Vaj was intentionally being disingenuous (giving a false
> appearance of simple frankness), just noting that what the saint dude
> said was descriptive, vs definitive.

In causual conversation, I find people often interchange "define" and
"describe". As far as casual use goes, if a distinction is made,
perhaps some appear to use "describe" as more a limited set of
characteristics compared "define" which may imply a more exhasutive
list of characteristics.

Is this the distinction you had in mind?

You use the word "definitive", which IMO, has a much sharper meaning,
a higher standard, than "define" -- the word Vaj used. Though of
course they have the same root. Many words have the same root but have
different connotations. Following are some definitions of "definitive"
-- though these definitions are not "definitive".

"authoritative: of recognized authority or excellence; supplying or
being a final or conclusive settlement; such as "a definitive
verdict"; "a determinate answer to the problem" "

I don't see where Vaj said or implied the article was "definitive.
Rather that it "defined" jivanmukta. Perhaps the milder "describe"
would have been more apt.

The practical question from all of this is: Do you believe that
Sivananda's attributes that he used to "describe" jivanmukta, while
neither comprehensive or definitive, was correct as far as it went? In
other words, do you feel, Sivanada provided description of some
attributes of jivanmukta that are not characteristic of jivanmukta?
That is, was Sivananda mistaken in his attributes?

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