> One of the things that would be neat for FD, is a codepage for english,
> which replaces all the other foreign letters with diagonal and curved
> geometric shapes which would go a long ways twards smoothing out the
> appearance of ANSI color scrollbar menus.
> Back in the BBS days, I created a font that also included electronic
> circuit symbols so that we could lay out circits in ascii messages in
> the newsgroup.
You should try FontSet a small tool i programmed long days ago.. :)
Sure it is Freeware...
Look at http://www.dev0.de/products_fontset.html

Its an extension to the screen and supports individual fonts. It also
delivers a small editor which runs under FontSet :) Feel free to try
The newest version runs smooth under MS-Dos. I haven't tested under
FreeDos yet.

Cheers, Torsten

PS: I would like to see some coments about it on this

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