
BO> with cp850 vs. cp437 you already lose the mixed double/single box
BO> characters, but these aren't used as often as the non-mixed ones.

>I don't think so! Consider a programm which displays a table with
>different box styles for 'inner' and 'outer' lines. Under cp850, the
>'junctions' will already look weird.

>I think, your mail is a good answer to Henrique's posting some days ago:

>> Case #1: Different codepages for the same keyboard layout.
>> The portuguese keyboard layout can be used either with cp860 or with
>> Which one is preferred / used more often?
>> The same question applies to:
>> The danish and norwegian keyboard layouts (cp865, cp850).
>> The icelandic keyboard layout (cp861, cp850).
>> The canadian french keyboard layout (cp863, cp850).

>Unlike cp850, these codepages still contain ALL box drawing characters
>at the same place as in 437, so box-drawing programs will display
>properly under these codepages. I think this 'similarity' with cp437
>might be a good reason to prefer such an 'older' codepage rather than

This might answer the "preferred" part - thanks, Axel :-)
Now, I really need to know the "more often used" part.

So, for portuguese, danish, norwegian, icelandic and french-speaking
canadian users out there reading this message, I ask:
Which codepage do you all use more often?
cp850 or your particular codepages?

Before answering, please bear in mind that this is all about renaming KEY
files. I won't abandon the support for those particular codepages.

The Full Layout Pack provides (naturally, among others), the following KEY
PO-CP860, DK-CP865, NO-CP865, IS-CP861 and CF-CP863.
Also, their respective counterparts which are prepared to use cp850: PO, DK,

Now, let's suppose that portuguese users use cp860 more often.
Then, instead of typing "XKEYB PO-CP860.KEY" every time, it would be more
comfortable just to type "XKEYB PO.KEY". The cp850-prepared KEY file would,
then, be renamed to PO-CP850.KEY.

Continuing, I remember posting, on the same message, a "Case #2".
As we all know, there are some languages which are assisted by different
keyboard layouts, distinguished by "identifiers".
Let's take the british case, for instance.
There are two different british identifiers: /ID:166 and /ID:168.
Which one is "best seller" in the british market? Which one is more common?

Today, there are UK166.KEY and UK168.KEY files in the Full Layout Pack.
As in Case #1 above, if /ID:166 is more common, I would rename UK166.KEY to
UK168 would keep its name.

So, for british, italian, french and greek users out there reading this
message, I ask:
Which identifier you think (or you're sure) is more commonly found?
A good way to measure that is analyzing a computer store.
If you go to one to buy a new keyboard, which one is more likely to be found


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