Rösberg, Thu 21.11.02

an interesting answer, but the wrong thread! ;-)

On Wed, 20 Nov 2002 21:42:03 -0500 (EST), Bart Oldeman wrote:
BO> On Thu, 21 Nov 2002, Axel C. Frinke wrote:
AF>> I don't understand this. Can't you use CHCP to switch between
AF>> codepages?
BO> The problem is that many DOS apps write directly to video memory and
BO> expect the box drawing characters to be at certain places.

Yes, but programs assuming codepage 437 can always be a problem.

BO> For instance,
BO> is at 179 for cp437, cp850, cp860, cp866 and others too, but not for
BO> ISO8859-x.

Yes, but...

BO> with cp850 vs. cp437 you already lose the mixed double/single box drawing
BO> characters, but these aren't used as often as the non-mixed ones.

I don't think so! Consider a programm which displays a table with
different box styles for 'inner' and 'outer' lines. Under cp850, the
'junctions' will already look weird.

I think, your mail is a good answer to Henrique's posting some days ago:
------------------------------ CUT HERE ------------------------------
From: Henrique Peron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [fd-dev] Fw: Keyboard identifiers; different codepages for the same keyboard 
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 14:10:24 -0400

 Hello all,

 I would like to post the following questions:

 Case #1: Different codepages for the same keyboard layout.
 The portuguese keyboard layout can be used either with cp860 or with cp850.
 Which one is preferred / used more often?
 The same question applies to:
 The danish and norwegian keyboard layouts (cp865, cp850).
 The icelandic keyboard layout (cp861, cp850).
 The canadian french keyboard layout (cp863, cp850).
------------------------------ CUT HERE ------------------------------

Unlike cp850, these codepages still contain ALL box drawing characters
at the same place as in 437, so box-drawing programs will display
properly under these codepages. I think this 'similarity' with cp437
might be a good reason to prefer such an 'older' codepage rather than

BO> So it is not so much the nature of text mode, but more an artifact of the
BO> direct-video approach. If all text mode apps would write using, say, ANSI

I don't think this has to do with direct-video approach, but with the
assumption that cp437 ist active instead.

BO> sequences (fast enough with NANSI.SYS) then the ANSI driver could do the
BO> translation. But the MSDOS ANSI.SYS was slow and not loaded by default so

I don't think so. In text mode, every display of characters ends up in
a direct-video approach, regardless whether a program does this by
itself or uses INT 21h function calls. In text mode there is no way to
display mixed box chars under cp850!

BO> You *can* chcp but it's really an either/or approach: either you have
BO> messed up text boxes or you can read your iso8859-1 text without
BO> translation.

Of course.


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