I would definitely try a little syringe feeding. A/D food for ill 
animals easily mixes with water. It may perk up his appetite. Cats who 
go too long without eating will get Hepatic Lipidosis.



----- Original Message -----
Date: Tuesday, August 2, 2005 3:46 am
Subject: Bramble can't eat - ideas please

> Any ideas please
> Bramble has Calici again after catching it from Buddy as I 
> mentioned last week - his nose is ulcerated and I'm sure his 
> throat is too as he is really hungry and wants his food but can't 
> seem to eat much of it. I've tried mashing it for him but I think 
> his throat is too sore. This has been for 2 days now. His vet had 
> said wait for 5 days on antibiotics last week but the day after I 
> got him on Interferon Omega when he sneezed blood. He has just 
> finished his first 5 injections. He has been more affect the last 
> 2 days so I'm pleased I got him on Interferon again fast. 
> Any ideas for feeding (I've left him some baby food out this 
> morning without much success and tried fish for the smell)
> I really think it is his throat that is sore - he goes back to the 
> vet tonight.
> Michelle, Bramble, Buddy & Minstrel
> Michelle

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