If Olive's necropsy showed FIP, then maybe they really all do have  FIP.  It 
has not made sense to me, given that FIP experts say it is a  mutation, not a 
virus in itself. But maybe particular corona viruses are more  likely to 
mutate or something, and maybe that is the one going around that  house.  I am 
really sorry you are going through this.
The only thing I know of that helps with FIP symptoms (but is not a cure)  is 
steroids; the combined dexamethasone and depomedrol shots can help with FIP  
like they do with lymphoma.  My Buddy may have had FIP-- lymphoma was never  
definitely diagnosed because he had no masses anywhere and his blood work was  
all fine in the beginning, just weight loss, lethargy, and dull matted coat, 
and  then he got uveitis in his eye and kidney failure and anemia, and died of  
anemia.  He lived with it for about 4 months on steroids.  It was  either 
lymphoma, or leukemia, or dry FIP. My vet thought it was dry FIP.   He got sick 
shortly after Patches entered the household, and she had been  exposed to a cat 
with FIP right before coming. I called and spoke to an FIP  expert at Cornell 
who told me not to worry about exposure that way because FIP  itself is not 
contagious, so I didn't.  Maybe the form of corona virus that  caused it was 
contagious, and maybe he got it.  He was 18 months old.   None of the others 
it, and I think some were under 2.  But who knows.  No one claims to 
completely understand FIP.
Hideyo, all I can say is that I feel terrible you are going through  this.  
The suddenness of Rikki's symptoms make me think, though, that even  if all the 
others have had FIP, maybe something else is going on with him. But  maybe 
In a message dated 11/17/2006 8:08:57 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

I think none of the  kitties whom she lost recently to FIP at this past 
incident was felk positive  – (she had sent me the details of every kitty  whom 
lost  as I  was very curious to find out what happened)  -Karen who also lost 
6 of  her kitties to FIP recently and none of them were felk positive  
I ended up doing  necropaise on Olive as my vet suggested  and it was FIP – 
and I am  assuming that the rest of my babies were also FIP – I am not sure 
which  portion of the symptoms don’t sound like FIP except Rikki– I really wish 
it  was something else.. I have not lost any kitties older than two years old –
  three were less than 1 year, and Peter was 1.5 years old..– I don’t know 
for  sure if Rikki has FIP and it caused ARF or not – but there was nothing 
that he  could get into – please trust me – I would think of all the reasons to 
cause  what’ s causing – Rikki’s blood work is very similar to Peter though 
Rikki’s  liver is functions are fine– I did all the blood parasite tests on 
Rikki – and  it was all negative – what else could it be?  I don’t keep any 
chemicals  at all in my house for cleaning supplies – as I get so worried about 
it  ..  if not, FIP – what could it be?  If you have any other ideas of  the 
cause, I would love to look into it..please let me  know..

I have two separate  houses where I keep my cats next to each other.. none of 
the kitties from the  other house (they are all older than 3 years old and I 
have not brought any  new kitties to the house for the past three years or so) 
When I read about the  symptoms (both lab and clinical) of FIP –they are very 
much what my kitties  have gotten – it just attacks differents part of the 
body, whether it’s liver,  kidney or CNS…


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