My sheep Lamby got ARF from copper poisoning last year and her creatinine  
went up to 12.5. They did not think she would make it. They did IV fluids for 5 
days and chelation therapy for the copper and, thank god, she pulled through 
and  her kidney values came down to 2.7, where they had plateaued last time we 
 checked.  It is possible to reverse acute ARF with numbers that high, but  
the root cause has to be figured out and treated if possible.  If it is  FIP, 
then nothing is likely to help except maybe steroids. Have you tried the  
feline interferon with him?
In a message dated 11/17/2006 7:14:11 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

did you see his  kidney numbers Kelly?  It’s very hard to reverse when ARF is 
that  profound – I consider myself to be one of the last people not to try 
whatever  it is out there.. but I also want to respect what Rikki wants… please 
don’t  think that I am not giving him a chance – it makes me feel very sad – 
but  sometimes, we cannot do everything we want to satisfy our needs – but 
need to  respect what our babies want --- But I am not just going to not do 
anything ..  I am going to give him fluid at home.. and continue to give epogen 
his  anemia and interferon. And love him as much as I can and pet him as much 
as he  wants..I want to give him a quality that he prefers.. ..when an animal 
is  ready to cross soon,, you know.. I have seen so many of mine passed.. and 
I  know that Rikki’s time might be approaching.. but I am still praying for a 
 miracle and if it’s not him time yet, I have a faith that he will get better 

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