hey -- pass that punch over here ;-)

On 7/1/07, Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Thanks Elizabeth!

I see in my original post that I made an error when I said I *had* 12
felv+ fosters.

I do not.........(Geeeez Freudian slip or what?)

I have 4 felv+ cats that are part of Texas Siamese Rescue, I am their
permanent foster meowmy.

I also have 12 fosters that have had a felv exposure.

I feel punch drunk............hiccup......

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
www.PetGirlsPetsitting.com <http://www.petgirlspetsitting.com/>
www.Tx.SiameseRescue.org <http://www.tx.siameserescue.org/>
                                  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
                                   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
                                   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
                                   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
                                             Trajan Tennent

----- Original Message -----
*From:* elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*To:* felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
*Sent:* Sunday, July 01, 2007 9:42 AM
*Subject:* Re: Some of us are so new to this all.

Hi Susan!  How did I miss saying hello and welcome to you too??  *sigh*


I've been a terrible hostess.  We just had a huge celebration for my
parent's 50th wedding anniversary last weekend so I guess I am still a
jello-head from that.

Bless you for taking care of those dear FeVL+ babies.  So many people
don't realize that a diagnosis of FeVL+ is not a death sentence!  They can
still have a wonderful quality of life and they need lots of love.

I'll try to do a better job of keeping up.  I'm so glad you joined us!

hugs and a big welcome!
elizabeth in alabama, phelix, tiffany, antonio, lexie, shakiti, othello,
and tori.

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