Hi Gary,

Never heard of that for interferon alpha. LIke Lance said, maybe it's for VO.

I can't see the harm for a diabetic cat. But my experience with FELV cats is that they can look so great, then turn symptomatic, and in my experience theres not much that can be done when they're symptomatic, at least for the young ones that I've had. So I'd probably try it out. I remember when I got Calawalla Banana and she was about 6 months to a year. She looked so healthy and hearty. Then at 2.5 yr she developed lymphoma and nothing we did would touch it. I'd wished I'd had her on interferon prior to her being symptomatic.

(The interferon alpha protocol I use is a daily dose - not the on and off.)

On the other hand, I now have 2 FELV cats that are over 10, and 1 that's 4-5. Go figure. They were over the magic age of 3 when I got them, so it's nothing I've done that's kept them going...

Good luck,


On Nov 14, 2007, at 5:26 PM, gary wrote:

First time I've ever heard of that protocol. Mostly I've heard 7 days on and seven days off because they can develop an immunity to the human interferon alpha.

Can't see why it would harm a diabetic cat. However, that's just a guess on my part.

----- Original Message -----
From: Belinda Sauro
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 9:12 AM
Subject: Interferon Question

Got this from a friend, anyone know or heard anything about this??

I have a feline interferon question. If you don't know the answer, would you mind asking the group? I followed the prophylactic regimen recommended in studies for asymptomatic felv+ cats, which is every day for five days in three runs starting the 1st, 14th, and 60th days. This regimen in studies seems to double cats' chances of being alive a year later. I gave it to Patches this past February. I have another batch of feline interferon and am wondering when to give it to her again. None of the studies I have say anything about repeating it, or when to do so. Do you know? Also, I can't find anything on whether it is ok to give to diabetic cats. Any idea?

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