And if the cats have already been transferred to barn homes perhaps we can 
retrieve them and work on indoor placement with an eye towards socialization 
for adoption.

glenda Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Bless your heart...I sure will...
--- Susan Hoffman wrote:

> Shelters put a lot of cats down who would make
> wonderful pets if given the opportunity. Cats who
> are fractious or undersocialized need a good foster
> home where someone will take the time to work with
> them. It is premature to send them to a barn home,
> especially when they have been so recently
> traumatized by the whole animal
> control/seizure/shelter cage experience.
> Could you simply forward my posts on this topic to
> sheila or susan or whomever has these cats? I'm
> active with Fix Our Ferals in Oakland, CA and on a
> nationwide feral cat list with almost 3000 members. 
> We should be able to find safe indoor placements
> with feral-aware people for 6 cats. These cats have
> options. So please urge the people who have them to
> contact me before putting them outside somewhere.
> glenda Goodman wrote:
> Hi Susan, 
> I do understand about believing some cats deserve to
> be socialized...I do know a number of the cats
> Shelia
> took in were FeLV cats and I think some so unsocial
> that the city shelter would have put them down.That
> is
> why Susan stepped in... These must have been the
> ones
> that were placed in the barn situation...I think if
> you go right to shadowcats or just come over and
> post
> on Michael's list...I'm not trying to steal anyone
> from the list they are on, but in my heart and soul,
> my interest is the cats and if you have better ideas
> for these cats, I'm with you. I trapped a couple
> ferals a couple weeks ago , they got spayed
> /neutered
> and I paid out of pocket for their rabies
> vaccinations, etc, but was forced to release them
> right back to their own environment...did find a
> lady
> willing to feed them, however...I am here in
> Nebraska...I'm from your area of California...things
> are very backward here for the animals. I will visit
> you offlist later. 
> Thank you for caring...Glenda
> --- Susan Hoffman wrote:
> > One last word on this, for the sake of the cats
> > intended for barn home placements. To whomever is
> > on this list and in contact with the people who
> > actually have these cats, please have them contact
> > me off-list. I know a lot of people who work with
> > feral and undersocialized cats and surely we
> should
> > be able to absorb 6 cats. Please have the person
> > with these cats get in touch with me. Releasing
> > cats who have been raised indoors to some outside
> > location is not in the best interests of the cats.
> > We can come up with a much better solution.
> > 
> > MaryChristine wrote: 
> > glenda, dear, exactly who and what gives you
> > permission to post things that are supposedly
> > private communications to me? 
> > 
> > 
> > On Dec 12, 2007 11:47 AM, glenda Goodman <
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > -----------------------
> > >
> > > From: Sheila Smith 
> > > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2007 7:28 PM
> > > To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED] '
> > > Subject: Fwd: Kelly Saveika hearing..........
> > >
> > > I just saw this post. Oh well, I am going to let
> > > it slide b/c I have bigger fish to fry, but...
> you
> > > are very good at cut and paste. I mean you
> > managed 
> > > the gist of it ok.. I AM watching you. Remember
> > ARC
> > > in Midlothian, Tx and the hundreds of cats that
> > > suffered and died in the name of "rescue"? Years
> > of
> > > being tied up in court and $40K later, but it
> was 
> > > the best money I ever spent b/c it was FOR the
> > > animals.
> > >
> > > I thought if there are still any open minded
> > > people still left on this list you would like to
> > > know the disposition of some of the fifteen cats
> > we 
> > > rescued.
> > > Five have been adopted including one
> > (Cinderella)
> > > I adopted myself and two that were adopted by
> > Susan,
> > > six are going to barn placement, two will go to
> > > Best Friends, two are still too weak to place
> and 
> > > are recovering from the effects of poor
> nutrition
> > > and dehydration (one of which had to have
> surgery)
> > > according to their veterinarian- although their
> > > prognosis is now good.
> > >
> > > On another note, I really do hope you all do go 
> > > back to the focus of feline leukemia. I think
> this
> > > group must have had great focus at one time- I
> > > joined initially b/c I thought it did and b/c I
> > felt
> > > I had a lot to offer the group b/c of my
> extensive
> > 
> > > experience w/ feline leukemia and b/c of my
> > husbands
> > > participation in national boards. etc. I was
> > > excited to hear from other people across the
> > country
> > > that had experience with feline leukemia. 
> > > I really do hope the very best for all of you
> > and
> > > I hope you all do really good things for the
> > animals
> > > in your care. I hope you all will remember this
> > > though. You are the animals advocate. You are
> not 
> > > the caretaker's advocate at the end of the day.
> > > While we all wish good things for the caretakers
> > and
> > > we worry about anyone burning out and we offer
> > > mentoring, guidance and help, in the end there
> are
> > 
> > > multiple resources for people. There are nurses,
> > > doctors, mental health experts, counseling. you
> > name
> > > it. BUT.. For the animals they abused, there is
> > only
> > > YOU.
> > >
> > > You are bound to speak for THEM- the dead cats
> > in 
> > > the closets- no one else will.
> > >
> > > Best,
> > >
> > > Sheila Smith
> > >
> > > Austin, Tx
> > >
> > >
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >
> > Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page.
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > 
> > Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
> > Maybe That'll Make The Difference....
> > 
> > MaryChristine
> > 
> > AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats 
> > ICQ: 289856892 
> > 
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