One last word on this, for the sake of the cats intended for barn home 
placements.  To whomever is on this list and in contact with the people who 
actually have these cats, please have them contact me off-list.  I know a lot 
of people who work with feral and undersocialized cats and surely we should be 
able to absorb 6 cats.  Please have the person with these cats get in touch 
with me.  Releasing cats who have been raised indoors to some outside location 
is not in the best interests of the cats.  We can come up with a much better 

MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  glenda, dear, exactly who and what 
gives you permission to post things that are supposedly private communications 
to me? 

  On Dec 12, 2007 11:47 AM, glenda Goodman < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   From: Sheila Smith 
>   Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2007 7:28 PM
>   Subject: Fwd: Kelly Saveika hearing..........
>   I just saw this post. Oh well, I am going to let
> it slide b/c I have bigger fish to fry, but... you
> are very good at cut and paste.  I  mean you managed 
> the gist of it ok..  I AM watching you. Remember ARC
> in Midlothian, Tx and the hundreds of cats that
> suffered and died in the name of "rescue"?  Years of
> being tied up in court and $40K later, but it was 
> the best money I ever spent b/c it was FOR the
> animals.
>   I thought if there are still any open minded
> people still left on this list you would like to
> know the disposition of some of the fifteen cats we 
> rescued.
>   Five have been adopted including one (Cinderella)
> I adopted myself and two that were adopted by Susan,
>  six are going to barn placement, two will go to
> Best Friends, two are still too weak to place and 
> are recovering from the effects of poor nutrition
> and dehydration (one of which had to have surgery)
> according to their veterinarian- although their
> prognosis is now good.
>   On another note, I really do hope you all do go 
> back to the focus of feline leukemia. I think this
> group must have had great focus at one time- I
> joined initially b/c I thought it did and b/c I felt
> I had a lot to offer the group b/c of my extensive 
> experience w/ feline leukemia and b/c of my husbands
> participation in national boards. etc.  I was
> excited to hear from other people across the country
> that had experience with feline leukemia. 
>   I really do hope the very best for all of you and
> I hope you all do really good things for the animals
> in your care. I hope you all will remember this
> though. You are the animals advocate. You are not 
> the caretaker's advocate at the end of the day.
> While we all wish good things for the caretakers and
> we worry about anyone burning out and we offer
> mentoring, guidance and help, in the end there are 
> multiple resources for people. There are nurses,
> doctors, mental health experts, counseling. you name
> it. BUT.. For the animals they abused, there is only
> YOU.
>   You are bound to speak for THEM- the dead cats in 
> the closets- no one else will.
>   Best,
>   Sheila Smith
>   Austin, Tx

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