Caroline -- I wish I could offer some advice or insight, but I can't.
Just hopes that you can get a handle on what's going on with Brumley and
that he feels better soon.  Is there a way you can ask your mother to
step back and stop repeating stuff you've already talked about? ;-)
Sorry the situation is causing you such stress and anger and
frustration.  You are Brumley's angel, and have given him comfort and
peace in his chaotic little life.
Diane R.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Caroline
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 12:31 PM
Subject: RE: OT: sick 6 mo kitten follow-up

The saga continues with my sick cat Brumley.  I don't know what to do
any more.  The conventional vet that saw him on Dec. 24 got the results
back from the Toxoplasmosis test and is was neg. (I can't remember if I
reported this info this site or not).  So when the Toxo test came back
neg, the vet totally reversed gears from the day before (when he said he
didn't think it was FIP b/c Brumley only test pos. for high globulin and
high protein, but not a corona virus, antibody, etc.).  So he completely
went back on that and said, basically, he thinks it's FIP b/c he has
nothing else to go on and b/c Brumley is showing 2 of the 3 indicators
of it (but still no "wet" indicators like the swollen belly).  I think
it's the eye that is really throwing him off and I can't for the love of
god, get any vet to explain/diagnose/tell me what to with that eye.  I
have asked if I should be putting anything in it and both the
conventional vet and my holistic vet just say "no."  So, I had a phone
consult about Brumley with my holistic vet and she reviewed the blood
work and said she doesn't think it's FIP- that a severely dehydrated cat
will have high globulin and high protein in the blood panel.  And the
fact that is his neg. for corona- she just doesn't think it's FIP.  She
has of course treated FIP cats/kittens and had some herself and she told
me she has NEVER seen the "dry" form of FIP in a kitten (Brum's 7
mths)-- only in older, adult cats does the dry form come out.  She said
she always sees it in kittens in the clear wet form with the swollen
belly and other signs of fluid retention and then they die quickly.  And
Brum's been lingering on like this for a while now  
So, I just went about feeding him and making him comfy- moving him into
the room with the other other guys (he'd already been exposed to them
before I had him); stopped the subcu fluids b/c I didn't think he needs
them.  I guess it's been two weeks since then and he just kind of hangs
out-- eats- he always eats good- no matter what.  But about last week he
seemed to lose some personality and he laid around a lot and stopped
batting around toys.  By this past Sun., my mom and I were discussing
that he had gone down, down and we were worried.  I don't have a
thermometer for cats, but I could tell he had a fever and just felt
crappy (altho he still eats and drinks water when feeling bad!).  I gave
him a fluid treatment- I thought his pink looked really white and
thought it couldn't hurt.  The fluid bump hung around forever tho?  I
got him in to see the holistic vet on Monday evening and my mom took
him.  The Dr. kind of laughed off my mom's concerns that Brumley was
going to die and that his eye looked horrible.  She told my mom she
thinks he has something else going on besides the eye-- like some kind
of infection somewhere else in the body, but she doesn't know where.  So
she wanted me to stop his Clavamox and try some other immune boosting
things.  Again, my mom asked about the eye and should we be putting
anything in it to treat it, and the Dr. was just like no.  
So of course, Brum was better just the next day (Tues.) and I could tell
the fever broke.  He was batting around a toy the very next morning.
Still eating great.
But then by Wed. night, he was just sleeping the whole time in a cubby
hole, seemed to have a fever again and not playing (still eating tho).
So I thought, well maybe his holistic vet is right, he is working on
fighting off some infection and when it gets too hard for his body to
fight it, he succumbs a little bit and the fever comes back, etc.  So,
this morning, it's the same.  Lots of sleeping and fever still around.
Even worse, his eye looks worse.  I swear, it looks like the cavity or
something is filled with blood b.c the eye appears to be a diff't color
than the other and you can see that it looks like blood behind the eye.
So now, it looks "bloodier" and as if the blood has settled down to the
bottom of the eye more- like it pooled there.  And now, there are even
more cloudy/greyish white spots on the surface of the eyeball.  Ugh.
I'm worried.  But my mom is worse-- she's a worry-wart prone to
histrionics and having these two sick/down cats (Brum and Possum) with
her around, literally sucks my will to live.  She just wants to keep
running Brumley to vets b/c she thinks he needs something put into the
eyeball and then she asks me "how long can this go on" (meaning how long
do we give Brumley a chance to fight this off- which I now recall is the
same GD thing my stupid sister said to me about Monkee after the blood
transfusion...sigh).  And it's just killing me- the stress.  She totally
makes it worse, so keeping her at bay is a draining task too.  
Plus, it's like, this isn't even my cat!  He technically belongs to the
no-kill group I vol for, yet I am the only one dealing with the stress
of his care and illness!!!!  It's only the other run-of-the-mill vols
that call me and ask about him.  But his original foster, and the lady
who is I guess "in charge" and the bane of my existence and she's also
on the board (sigh)- she doesn't even ask about him anymore!  She had a
teleph. convo with my holistic vet before I first talked to the vet
about Brum where she actually told the vet, "well you know, we're going
to lose some of them" and now my vet won't deal with her due to that
comment (and rightfully so), b/c it's like, you pulled these kittens out
of Metro AC in June and they have struggled ever since and Brumley's in
the condition he's in, in part because of lack of care and attention by
this group and so now, we're just going to "play the numbers" and let
him linger on until death instead of getting the necessary vet care for
a cat that we agreed to take on the minute he was pulled from Metro?!?
I could scream.    
I'm so frustrated.  
I think I can take a picture of Brumley's eye tonight with my webcam and
email it, so if anyone is willing to take a look at it, let me know so I
can email it directly b/c this site won't take it if I try to send to
all.  I would really just like to hear someone say "yeah, I've seen that
before!" when it comes to his eye- instead of these two vets who act
like they have never seen it before and don't address the eye care


        Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2008 08:39:55 -0800
        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject: Re: OT: sick 6 mo kitten follow-up
        Bless you for taking care of these babies.  You are truly going
above and beyond and it sounds like you've found your calling.  I hope
you got conclusive yet good news for the sick kitten on Friday.
        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens
can change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!"
~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~ 

        ----- Original Message ----
        From: Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 8:39:08 PM
        Subject: OT: sick 6 mo kitten follow-up
        Okay, the results are not all in, but I finally talked to the
Vet about the blood tests from the sick kitten I took in- which he
suspect FIP in.  The cat was NEGATIVE for Felv (so that's the second
time he's tested neg.- first at approx. 2 mths old, now at 6 mths).  He
NEGATIVE for FIV (which he had not yet been tested for ever).  The vet
also says that so far, it looks like it's not FIP and he talked about
how there is no conclusive test, etc., so for now, he has to go by the
presence of antibodies- which he says are usually higher if the cat has
"dry" FIP and then even higher if it's "wet" FIP.  He says the
antibodies are just not high enough to for it to be FIP- either the dry
or wet form.  So he remains concerned tho that it's a an infectious
(i.e., contagious) disease.  What he is waiting on now is the
toxoplasmosis test b/c now he is suspecting that.  He said the results
of that test will be in tomorrow.  He also said the blood is showing
high globulin levels and high white blood cells- both of which indicate
some kind of an infection, but he just doesn't know what kind yet.  
        I do have a phone consultation appointment tomorrow at 5:00 with
the holistic vet (Marylyn-- Dr. Maier) who treated Monkee at the end of
his life and whom Monkee loved- at a time when he was utterly miserable
and fed up with vets!  We are consulting on this kitten and then also to
discuss general care of fosters and things I can do holistically to help
them rehab faster.  I may end up taking Yoda to her anyway b/c of the
diarrhea that I can't get traditional vets to address.  Hopefully, I
will have the blood tests results on my sick kitten emailed to me before
then, so I can forward them to her for her review and "second" opinion.
I feel better because I am finally getting some freaking vets lined up
so that I can finally take care of these fosters without always feeling
like I'm supposed to do so without ever having veterinary access unless
a cat is pretty much dying in my arms.  Monkee died in my arms despite
all the things we did to save him and there is NO WAY I'm going to allow
another cat to die in my arms- especially these fosters who seem to have
totally treatable (possibly preventable) things going on with them!
Urg.  So we continue to forge ahead.
        Poor kitty feels so much better and I'm worried about continuing
to give him fluids.  Dr. Maier said in an email that if he is doing that
much better and has had 3 treatments of subcu fluids, it's probably not
necessary to do them today.  But when I talked to the conventional vet
that saw the cat on Monday, he said to continue them b/c "extra fluids
are extra fluids," "it can't really hurt him" (I beg to differ- it's
very traumatic b/c it's just me and him in a contest of wills and
strength and it's pretty horrible- he gets that huge needle out
everytime and I have to re-stick him-- which is hell for me and him),
and "without really seeing the cat, he can't tell me to discontinue
fluids."  Well, my mom and I have discussed it and I'm doing them
tonight.  It's too much on him and me.  He's feeling too "good" now so
that he really fights the fluid giving.  I always recall that Dr. Maier-
in all her holistic wisdom- said (when I first took Monkee to her), that
"you don't want the treatment to be worse than the disease."  I think
that solves my dilemma for now.
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