What did Dr. Maier say about supplements?  

                                                 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
                                                 from the shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have men who 
                                                 will deal likewise with their 
fellow man.
                                                                  St. Francis
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Caroline Kaufmann 
  To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
  Sent: Monday, December 31, 2007 6:45 PM
  Subject: RE: OT: sick 6 mo kitten follow-up

  Well, I think I just never saw him drink b/c I had him only from last sat. 
night until monday in my bedroom with my other cats (I have two large rooms 
connected- so they have tons of space.  All but Possum sleep in the condo- 
which is set up by the front window- at night).  But we did keep him in a 
separate crate in the room until the vet visit last monday, and that vet said 
to isolate him, so poor kitty and his crate went to the basement.  I felt 
horrible, but we are just currently running out of rooms.  So, he was stuck 
down there all alone and since he wasn't with me in my room, I wasn't able to 
see what he does.  He spent most of his time down there crying crying crying 
(broke my heart) and knocking over his coop cup of water and food in his 
desperate attempts to reach thru the crate.  It was horrible, I know, but our 
basement doesn't have a real door- it's a folding levelor blind-like door and 
every cat, save for the teeny barn kittens, have made short shrift of it!  
Anyway, per Dr. Maier's advice- after she told me her analysis of the blood 
tests (she doesn't think it's FIP (she said severe dehydration will cause high 
protein and high globulin in the blood- also, he didn't test pos. for any 
corona virus, so I don't see how the conventional vet can say FIP???).  She 
thinks it's just very very very bad malnourishment/dehydration, infection from 
chronic URIs setting in, stress, etc).  So, I moved him into my room on Sat., 
per her okay and recc that it would be better for him.  Since he and Possum are 
both special needs, slow (which incidentally makes them really good kitties b/c 
they don't have the energy to "be bad"!), both recovering from what is 
hopefully only malnourishment, etc., they both stay out in the room/sleep with 
me on the bed at night (they are both such good little boys)!  So I finally saw 
him drink water and it's all at once, wonderful and hilarious!  He drinks 
voraciously (as voraciously as he eats his wet food- well, he's into the 
crunchies too, but the wet food eating it funnier b/c he smacks him lips and 
gobbles and just makes all these snarfling noises while eating- and gets it all 
over his nose- like he never tasted anything so good!).  So the water drinking 
is similar-- very loud, very intense, and when he looks up, he has it all over 
his chin and nose!  So, I am no longer concerned about water drinking.  I add a 
lot of water to his wet food too and he doesn't seem to mind.  He's not 
dehydrated anymore either.  He still looks like an old man cat to me tho- which 
is sad because he's only 6 months.  Sigh.  He looks like what my 19 yo Rambo 
looked like his last year of life.  He really bounced back after just coming to 
my house, getting fluids and the shot of penicillin, but he seems to have 
leveled off now.  We'll see...I really hope it's not dry FIP.  I just can't go 
through that.  Tackling this malnourishment and weakened state has been hard 

    To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
    Subject: Re: OT: sick 6 mo kitten follow-up
    Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 17:38:57 -0600

    Try dripping water or a water fountain.  Ebony loved to drink from the 
faucet.  I like the fountain better because the water can be filtered.  

                                                     If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
                                                     from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who 
                                                     will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Caroline Kaufmann 
      To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
      Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 8:54 PM
      Subject: RE: OT: sick 6 mo kitten follow-up

      I have never seen him drink water, so I am not sure.  But he's been 
urinating a lot- of course that could be from the fluids.  He was dehydrated on 
Monday, but he bounced back so much after the shot of Penicillin and one bought 
of subcu fluids- it was really remarkable.  And of course, the vet isn't able 
to "see" that.  Since I have never seen him drink water, I have been adding 
water and KMR to his wet food- just to make sure to get some extra in.  He eats 
almost all of his food up, so he's certainly getting moisture that way.

        Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2007 20:47:47 -0600
        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
        Subject: Re: OT: sick 6 mo kitten follow-up

        That is great news, that everything is negative.
        Is he drinking normally?  Is he dehydrated?  If he is not 
dehydrated....I would not see any need for fluids (but I'm not a vet, this is 
not to be construed as veterinary advice, yadda yadda)


        On Dec 27, 2007 8:39 PM, Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

          Okay, the results are not all in, but I finally talked to the Vet 
about the blood tests from the sick kitten I took in- which he suspect FIP in.  
The cat was NEGATIVE for Felv (so that's the second time he's tested neg.- 
first at approx. 2 mths old, now at 6 mths).  He NEGATIVE for FIV (which he had 
not yet been tested for ever).  The vet also says that so far, it looks like 
it's not FIP and he talked about how there is no conclusive test, etc., so for 
now, he has to go by the presence of antibodies- which he says are usually 
higher if the cat has "dry" FIP and then even higher if it's "wet" FIP.  He 
says the antibodies are just not high enough to for it to be FIP- either the 
dry or wet form.  So he remains concerned tho that it's a an infectious ( i.e., 
contagious) disease.  What he is waiting on now is the toxoplasmosis test b/c 
now he is suspecting that.  He said the results of that test will be in 
tomorrow.  He also said the blood is showing high globulin levels and high 
white blood cells- both of which indicate some kind of an infection, but he 
just doesn't know what kind yet.  
          I do have a phone consultation appointment tomorrow at 5:00 with the 
holistic vet (Marylyn-- Dr. Maier) who treated Monkee at the end of his life 
and whom Monkee loved- at a time when he was utterly miserable and fed up with 
vets!  We are consulting on this kitten and then also to discuss general care 
of fosters and things I can do holistically to help them rehab faster.  I may 
end up taking Yoda to her anyway b/c of the diarrhea that I can't get 
traditional vets to address.  Hopefully, I will have the blood tests results on 
my sick kitten emailed to me before then, so I can forward them to her for her 
review and "second" opinion.  I feel better because I am finally getting some 
freaking vets lined up so that I can finally take care of these fosters without 
always feeling like I'm supposed to do so without ever having veterinary access 
unless a cat is pretty much dying in my arms.  Monkee died in my arms despite 
all the things we did to save him and there is NO WAY I'm going to allow 
another cat to die in my arms- especially these fosters who seem to have 
totally treatable (possibly preventable) things going on with them!  Urg.  So 
we continue to forge ahead. 
          Poor kitty feels so much better and I'm worried about continuing to 
give him fluids.  Dr. Maier said in an email that if he is doing that much 
better and has had 3 treatments of subcu fluids, it's probably not necessary to 
do them today.  But when I talked to the conventional vet that saw the cat on 
Monday, he said to continue them b/c "extra fluids are extra fluids," "it can't 
really hurt him" (I beg to differ- it's very traumatic b/c it's just me and him 
in a contest of wills and strength and it's pretty horrible- he gets that huge 
needle out everytime and I have to re-stick him-- which is hell for me and 
him), and "without really seeing the cat, he can't tell me to discontinue 
fluids."  Well, my mom and I have discussed it and I'm doing them tonight.  
It's too much on him and me.  He's feeling too "good" now so that he really 
fights the fluid giving.  I always recall that Dr. Maier- in all her holistic 
wisdom- said (when I first took Monkee to her), that "you don't want the 
treatment to be worse than the disease."  I think that solves my dilemma for 

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        Please help Clarissa!


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