  I will be thinking of you and Buzz all day.  I hope the retest comes back 
negative!  Let us know.
  Debi H.

Sue Koren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hello everybody,
Today after work I will take Buzz to have his first re-test since he was 
diagnosed positive for FeLV. I am trying not to hope too much, but there is a 
bottle of champagne in the fridge if he turns out negative. Tuna for Buzz - I 
don't think he likes champagne.
Meanwhile he has been released from his room and is socializing with the other 
cats. I did some of the things the people in this group recommended and that 
probably helped. All went well until a couple of days ago when some 
electricians came to our house. He really freaked! He hid for 8 hours after 
they were gone. His fear probably had something to do with the abuse he 
received as a kitten.
Anyway, if anyone would care to say a prayer for my little kitty it sure would 
be appreciated.

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