On Jul 29, 2008, at 11:59 PM, Marylyn wrote:

Dixie came to me as a grown throw away who had been on her own for a long time. She found her way to my Mom's where she hung out with the ferals who came for food, water and shelter. For three years and 12 days she had everything a little cat could want. She became the owner of a farm in rural Ky with a large sunroom, window sills, deer, turkey and windows everywhere; Christmas trees that stayed up for months just because she liked to sleep under them; a large bed with pillows and dolls.......everything a little cat could want, even things she didn't know about when she came into my life. She had the best regular and holist medical care available from the day I found out that she was FeLV+ and was so wonderfully healthy that I believed she had beaten it. She remained healthy until a couple of days before she left this world. When she left she was beside me, where she was always the safest, and in a Jeep that had taken her on many great adventures (she loved to travel between the farm and a home in Louisville). I have no regrets at all about having this wonderful little girl in my life. She taught me so much. Now, a month after she left, she has sent me a tiny kitten from the same pine thicket she came from. Apparently she thought this little one, who was alone just as she had been, should have everything too. There are no certainities in life. It sounds like you have a good grasp on the situation. This group has people knowledgeable in supplements that can help strengthen all your cats. Please listen to them and your heart.

On Jul 29, 2008, at 7:52 PM, Jennifer Lynn wrote:

Thank you for responding. I am going to concentrate on keeping Ash (and my other kitties) as healthy as possible. I've been feeding them better food for months now...Eukenuba Naturals. They really like it and it helps with their urine and feces (they don't smell as much!). I keep their litter box clean at all times and they always have fresh, cold water. I am very observant of them and I try to give them all the love possible. I am just going to deal with this as it comes and treat Ash like a normal cat (like I've been doing his whole life) and keep on giving him all the love I can :)

I am sorry to hear about your Dixie :( She's in kitty heaven now and nothing can hurt her :)

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