Thank you Jennifer (and your husband) for the work that you are doing and for joining the group. I know that hospice/rescues like yours are needed in every community in this country. It is wonderful that you are able to give love and care to these special cats. I am sure you have a unique understanding of this virus and how it progresses, living
with so many affected cats.
Are most of the cats in your home symptomatic ? Have you any who are dealing with stomatitis? Do you have
a vet who helps you with Felv issues?
I would love to hear more about your rescue and about the 13 kitties who are with you now. Thank you again for
the work that you are doing.

On Mar 22, 2009, at 12:17 PM, wrote:

My name is Jennifer Reihart and I run a hospice center/rescue for cats with FeLv. I have been doing it for over 6 years and have gotten cats from all over the eastern US. OH, NY, NJ, PA, NC, and even as far as Texas. We have a huge house, and take in cats from different areas, and various backgrounds and give them a place to call home. I am independent, my husband and I do this on our own, and out of love for these special cats. They have free run of the home, and get lots of love and attention. We currently have 13, and they all have their own space, however at night our bed is covered in cats.

I have gotten several cats from and have given them a loving home. We have had 3 live past 9, most live until 5 or 6, we have one that is 7. We don't do anything special, they get good cat food, wet in the morning-dry throughout the day. But what I think is our secret to having them live longer is lots of love. they are all used to being petted, kissed, and made over. Each one has it's own special personality, that's what I love about cats, no two are the same.

I just wanted to introduce myself to the group. We have worked a little with the Marley fund in NC, but mostly we take cats from various rescue groups and individuals who are desperate to find a good home for their cats. We do insist they bring the cat's here so that they can see the love and attention we give the cats. This set's their mind at ease, and makes the transition easier.

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