
Sorry to hear about your Wilson's test results. You will receive much good advise from the members here. I am an Animal Scientist/Animal Nutritionist from Ohio State University. Feel free to call me at 740-992-5782. I have had much success with FELV+ kitties and can speak with you personally and fill you in on what I have found to be the best protocol / support / treatment options. (This offer also goes to anyone on the list that would like some help. For those wondering about the Immulan, I have one client using it with additional treatments with success. Did not have the luck she had hoped for with it alone.)

Looking forward to speaking with you. The best time to reach me is after 9 pm EST.

Karen Griffith

----- Original Message ----- From: "Judy Eaton" <jude...@yahoo.com>
To: "Feline leukemia" <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 5:57 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] I'm new here...

This is my introductory note to you guys. I am Judy Eaton and live in Richland, Oregon, a tiny, remote farming community. I am a lifelong animal lover, especially of cats, and have owned many. Currently, I have an 11 month old grey tabby, Wilson Combat, who is fel leuk positive. I found out about the diagnosis when I had him neutered at 5 months, and last weekend had him checked again, due to lethargy, no appetite, and third eyelid over one eye. He is still positive. His blood was checked, and actually his count was pretty good. However, he still isn't eating, and just moping around.

I have offered him every kitty treat I can think of( cooked chicken, hamburger, tuna), with no luck. He purrs, and looks good,no vomiting or diarrhea, but the anorexia has to lead to major weight loss. Do these cats get better and then worse in cycles? I would suspect that. I am an RN and have had comparable experiences with people with devastating diagnoses, and guessed that this cat's case may be similar. I am so sad about all this, and I guess I just need some support!

We are letting him go outside. He has his own kitty door...We are very isolated, and my husband and I want him to be as happy as he can be. I know the risks.


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