 Thanks, Maggie is to get the interferon 7 days on and 7 days off. She is on 
her 3rd day off. I have gotten her to eat some today but she still hasn't had 
anything to drink. I have given her wet food off and on all day as opposed to 
her dry. Wet is usually a small amount daily but I figured it has more moisture 
in it so... I checked out her paw this am. No sores I can see, no swollen 
spots, no hot areas, though she did seem tender where her toes attach. I'm 
torn. Don't want her to get dehydrated. Last time she was sick we almost lost 
her and I am nowhere near ready for that. I know we decided her quality was 
more important than her quantity but she is still my baby and I love her. 
Anyway thanks again.
--- On Sun, 11/15/09, jbero <> wrote:

> From: jbero <>
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Maggie's not acting normal, advice is appreciated
> To:
> Date: Sunday, November 15, 2009, 6:22 PM
> Hello Tanya,
> I can't blaim you for being nervous about odd behavior in a
> felv cat.
> Interferon can cause side effects in humans that can
> actually lead to
> cessation of treatment, they can include gastrointestinal
> disturbances,
> depression, sleep disturbances, irritability, and flu like
> symptoms.  These
> are usually more mild in cats.  Interferon is
> sometimes given three days on
> and three days off which can help with these side effects.
> The felv cat that I treatment with interferon has very mild
> change in
> appetite and energy on the days she gets the medication.
> With the limp, I would be concerned about infection. 
> Inspect the paw to see
> if there are any swollen areas, red areas, hot areas or
> extremely sensitive
> areas.  If so there is likely are infection. 
> Usually these are fairly easly
> to treat with irrigation of the area and then
> antibiotics.  Would need to
> see the vet for irrigation.
> Good luck,
> Jenny
> On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 3:04 PM, TANYA NOE <>wrote:
> >     Hello all, my Maggie now 1
> year 5 months old has been Felv+ since
> > birth. She is the kitten we adopted after testing her
> for everything under
> > the sun to protect our 13 year old Sasha. She later
> became symptomatic
> > (gingivitis, vomiting, diarrhea, swollen lymph nodes)
> and was retested and
> > was positive. Anyway we kept her and her symptoms
> resolved except for the
> > swollen lymph nodes. She has also tested positive on
> the IFA.
> >     Early spring she had an
> episode where she began hiding for a couple
> > days, quit eating, and then began abdominal breathing.
> Turned out the
> > pleural sacs around her lungs were full of fluid. She
> was given lasix and in
> > a day was herself. Since then she has been a
> relatively healthy, happy
> > kitty.
> >     3 weeks ago I took her and her
> sister in for vaccines, exams, and blood
> > work. They had a hard time getting blood from her
> (couldn't hit the vein)
> > and she got quite stressed. The blood work was perfect
> and she seemed fine
> > after we got home. We started her on Interferon a week
> ago. Now suddenly the
> > last week she has been sleeping all the time under
> blankets (she doesn't
> > like being covered up), not eating much (very odd for
> her as she is a food
> > hound and will eat constantly if you let her), and not
> drinking much (she
> > usually drinks and bathes in the pet fountain several
> times a day). Her temp
> > is normal. Thursday we noticed she now is holding up
> her left front paw. She
> > walks on it and the limp is mild.
> >     Any ideas? Has anyone seen any
> sides effects with interferon? Would it
> > make her feel bad? I'm hesitant to run her to the
> Dr's. and create further
> > stress but am really worried about her. These guys go
> downhill so fast
> > sometimes I don't want to wait either. Any advice
> would be appreciated.
> > Thanks,
> > Tanya
> >
> >
> >
> >
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