Oh crap.
I remember how I felt a few months back when I found out that Bridget was 
positive - her brother Chutney suddenly crashed and died (he, too, was anemic) 
not even 5 weeks after testing negative on the snap test. I had both with my 
cats, and while I suspect they had contracted the virus before coming to my 
house, who knows? Maybe I have another healthy cat who's actually positive...I 
always think I should retest everybody to be on the safe side but in a way I 
don't want to know....they're already together, already exposed to whatever the 
others might have.
Charlotte, who passed away nearly a year ago, had tested negative when I 
adopted her but started having symptoms a year later. Again, did she have a 
latent infection or did she contract it here? I'll never know.

--- On Thu, 3/4/10, Frank & Sue Koren <fs...@roadrunner.com> wrote:

From: Frank & Sue Koren <fs...@roadrunner.com>
Subject: [Felvtalk] Casper is positive
To: "FeLV talk" <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Date: Thursday, March 4, 2010, 7:47 PM

My poor sweet Casper is FeLV+.  So by making the decision to mix I have 
condemned him.  He is anemic and he is going on Doxycyclne and Prednosolone.  
Has anyone ever heard of a cat that has anemia living longer then a few months?
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