none of the major veterinary assns recommend using the FIV vaccine, because
not only has it never been proven successful in independent testing, it
causes any cat to forever test positive--a death sentence should a housecat
get out and into the shelter system. the AAFP, linked in my previous post,
has a position paper on exactly why the vaccine is not recommended.

ft dodge, the mfg of the vaccine, does not have a good reputation for its
marketing practices, relying on scare tactics more than reproducible

as gloria says, the main symptom of FIV cats is that they tend to be fat,
lazy, and affectionate--the kill-rage, driven-by-testosterone aggression
that leads to the deep, PENETRATING bites that is required to transmit the
virus is just not part of a neutered tom's repertoire. lying around and
playing cards, watching tv, and snuggling is much more to their liking. many
timid cats who are positive are presumed to have infected when bitten on the
butt while running away from an alpha tom when they got outside by mistake;
in the very rare case of a tom remaining aggressive after neutering, one vet
suggests filing down or removing the canine teeth, which renders kitty
unable to inflict a deep enough bite.


On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 6:28 PM, Gloria B. Lane <>wrote:

> You know, I'm surprised that the suggest even 'considering' vaccinating
> FIV- cats that live with FIV + cats...
> Gloria
> On Jun 19, 2010, at 3:46 PM, MaryChristine wrote:
>  for everyone, i'll post this again: this is the link to the amer assn of
>> feline practitioners guidelines for management of feline retrovirii, and
>> contains further links to both the summaries and the full guidelines.
>> everyone dealing with a positive kitty should read this, and should sit
>> and
>> watch their vet read it.... it's a phenomenal resource, complete with
>> circles and arrows on the back (ie, a great bibliography.)
>> --
>> Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
>> Maybe That'll Make The Difference....
>> MaryChristine
>> Special-Needs Coordinator, Purebred Cat Breed Rescue (
>> Member, SCAT (Special-Cat Action Team)
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Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference....

Special-Needs Coordinator, Purebred Cat Breed Rescue (
Member, SCAT (Special-Cat Action Team)
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