Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference....

Special-Needs Coordinator, Purebred Cat Breed Rescue (
Member, SCAT (Special-Cat Action Team)

On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 9:48 AM, Beth <> wrote:
> I did a blood transfusion on my cat with an 8 & Doxy & he started bouncing 
> back within a day. He was not FeLV+, but he did have Hemobart
> Beth
> Dont Litter, Fix Your Critter!
> --- On Tue, 8/24/10, jbero <> wrote:
> From: jbero <>
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] URGENT: help needed re: info on transfusions/epogen, 
> etc
> To:
> Date: Tuesday, August 24, 2010, 10:13 PM
> Sounds like the vet is not too interested in working with felv cats.  Gave
> up before fighting, huh.
> With a hematocrit of eight the cat's in real trouble.  If it's
> hemobartonella the rbcs are being continually destroyed.  They will
> generally transfuse around 18 so she doesn't have much time to make a
> decision.  I would go to the emergency clinic if deciding to do the
> transfusion as they often have blood in house.
> For hemobartonella, all it would really take is a drop of blood to look at
> under the the scope to see if there is agglutination.  It isn't a definitive
> test, but very suggestive if there is a limited sample.
> As far as treating with doxy at this hct, I would.  To the best of my
> knowledge, doxy does not cause bone marrow suppression and the benefit of
> treatment far outweighs the risk if this is truely a bartonella issue.
> It is unfortunate further work-up wasn't done.  If it were me, I would
> probably go to the emergency clinic, give sub q fluids, see if I could get a
> smear to look for agglutination and if there was I would do the transfusion
> and start doxy.  This, however, can be expensive and invasive.  She could
> just try the doxy without a transfusion - in that case I would probably also
> do prednisone as you need to stop any further destruction of rbcs, but only
> for a matter of days.  It may not work, but it would be the least invasive
> and less expensive.
> She may than add some supplements - I'd do cod liver oil about half of human
> gel capsule(for the Vitamin A, Vitamin D), NAC - about 100mg, and sodium
> ascorbate - 750mg, and consider the herbal tonic.  As you know, no
> guarantees, but God is in the business of miracles, I believe.
> Good luck and God bless.
> Jenny
> On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 4:47 PM, MaryChristine 
> <>wrote:
>> my suggestion is CERTAINLY to check for hemobartenellosis--why it
>> wasn't done initially, i have no idea. not knowing the kind of anemia
>> either, makes it difficult.
>> the vet involved claimed that they were having trouble finding any
>> blood, and they wouldn't be able to call til after 5PM.  i'd thought
>> that the vast majority of cats in the US were one type, just wasn't
>> sure which.
>> perhaps the vet just presumed she'd want the cat euthed, so once he
>> got preliminary results, he didn't keep looking.
>> you think that doxy is not too hard on the system of a kitty  with
>> such a low hematocrit?
>> the good thing is that the cat's mom is NOT going to do extraordinary
>> care to make herself feel better.
>> MC
>> --
>> Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
>> Maybe That'll Make The Difference....
>> MaryChristine
>> Special-Needs Coordinator, Purebred Cat Breed Rescue (
>> )
>> Member, SCAT (Special-Cat Action Team)
>> On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 5:24 PM, jbero <> wrote:
>> > Hey,
>> >
>> > With respect to blood transfusions in cats.  Most cats are blood group A
>> -
>> > around 99% in the US.  As it is in people you need to match the blood
>> > types.  Because there is such a high prevelance of type A in the US, they
>> do
>> > not always do a type and cross - to me this seems foolish as it would be
>> > easy to just do a cross and look for any reaction in the test tube.  I
>> don't
>> > think they always know how to do this in general vet labs.  If you have a
>> > cat that is O or B (again unlikely in the US), they will react to the
>> > transfusion of an A blood type donor.
>> >
>> > I personally have had bad luck with transfusions in felv because you are
>> > only treating the symptoms of the disease and they will have to be
>> > transfused every month or two.  Every transfusion increases the risk of a
>> > bad transfusion reaction.  If, however, the cat has a regenerative anemia
>> > (lots of reticulocytes) and something like a hemobartonella infection,
>> the
>> > transfusion in conjunction with treatment of the hemobartonella may yield
>> > positive results.  What I am trying to say is that, if the cat is anemic
>> > because his bone marrow is not producing more red blood cells, a
>> transfusion
>> > will only prolong the inevitable by a month or two (this would be end
>> stage
>> > effects of the felv).  Unless there is some novel treatment for felv in
>> this
>> > stage (I haven't found much - LTCI, acemannan and interferon have been
>> > proposed and sometimes help but no guarantees) and you are willing to try
>> > one of them, I would probably not opt to do a transfusion.  If, on the
>> other
>> > hand, there is a regenerative anemia and an underlying cause for the
>> anemia
>> > - like hemobartonella - a transfusion in conjunction with treatment of
>> the
>> > hemobartonella may be helpful.  Especially if there is some desire to
>> > attempt to treat the felv - LTCI, interferon, acemannan, a combination of
>> > herbal remedies, etc.
>> >
>> > If all they want to do is a transfusion, I can almost guarantee that is
>> will
>> > simply prolong the inevitable by a few weeks.
>> >
>> > Hope that helps.
>> >
>> > Jenny
>> >
>> >
>> > On 8/24/10, MaryChristine <> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> just got an email from a rescue i work with, about someone who adopted
>> >> a FeLV positive a few months ago. kitty is NOT doing well--with a
>> >> hematocrit of 8. she asked her vet about doing a transfusion, and he
>> >> said that's not done with FeLV cats. well, other than getting a new
>> >> vet, i'm asking you guys for help. (he's also saying it could be
>> >> whatever-they're-now-calling-hemobartenellosis.) i've got all the info
>> >> from the rescue, and the contact info of the cat's mom.
>> >>
>> >> i know that some of you have experience with this, which i do not: if
>> >> any of you are willing/able to help walk lisa (the human) and josie
>> >> (the cat) through this, please let me know! feline anemia boards? i've
>> >> suggested she check www.adopt.bemikitties for local vets (she MAY be
>> >> in the miami, FL area, but not sure on that yet--that's where the
>> >> rescue is), as well as amer assn of feline practitioners for a vet
>> >> near her, but i think that talking with someone who knows what they're
>> >> talking about would be a big help.....
>> >>
>> >> thanks!
>> >>
>> >> MC, out of her depth
>> >> --
>> >> Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
>> >> Maybe That'll Make The Difference....
>> >>
>> >> MaryChristine
>> >> Special-Needs Coordinator, Purebred Cat Breed Rescue (
>> >> )
>> >> Member, SCAT (Special-Cat Action Team)
>> >>
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