Beautifully said, Alice. And I'm sorry for your pain. But clearly your love for your animals shows through. I hope the joy outweighs the suffering. This is a great group of people, and I am constantly amazed at the love, compassion and intelligence shared here. Also the love. It inspires me.
Keep on!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Alice Flowers" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2011 7:29 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Thank Goodness For This Group!

I was thinking this morning about this group-All of us trying to save or prolong our kitty's lives, or to keep them comfortable for as long as possible. Trying
different treatments or none-we are all the same. Getting comfort or's a hard journey. I can say that I have tried different things with my 6-Spent a huge fortune-so far lost 5 in 2 yrs and now having to
watch Rosie in a downward spiral. Nothing has worked to save mine, maybe
prolonged their lives by what...minutes, days, months-I don't know. Two and a half years ago, I had never heard of this damn disease-maybe because I hadn't
had a cat in over a decade, just Aussies and horses. God bless the really
special people who take in positive kitties knowing there is heartache up the
road, but have saved them from being euthanized because of a positive
test-they're not all accurate. I am rambling, I am sad-but so grateful for all
the shoulders to cry on. Every time I log on, more babies have gone to the
bridge, finally free to play together and wait for us.  Alice
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