You go Charles!  Sounds like you jumped in with both feet.
This is a great place to get advice and just pass along information.
FeLV + kitties can live good lives, some short, some long, some of
them with few, if any symptoms..... kind of like Typhoid Mary.  I have
one FeLV + that is about 12 - 13 years old.  Don't know if she was
always pos but has been for at least 5 years now and mixes
inside/outside with all 8 other kitties and no problems.  I vaccinate
the negatives and deal with the positive as necessary - so far little
needed thank goodness.
Bless you and all who understand that humans are the reason there are
so many kitties and dogs who need and deserve our help - and
understanding that try to help.


On 4/3/11, Bonnie Hogue <> wrote:
> Charles
> Ya-hoo!  You have your hands full!  Plenty of folks on here have great
> experience and can help guide you.
> I'm just good for moral support.
> Thanks for taking care of these little tigers...a job rewarded by their
> health and happiness.
> Carry on!
> ~Bonnie
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Charles J Driscoll" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2011 11:14 AM
> Subject: [Felvtalk] New Member
>>I am not sure how this board works, but this is my story. Can I answer on
>>the board or do I have to send a e-mail each time.
>> Over last summer, there was an abandoned foreclosure house next door to
>> me. Well, in the hole of the fence, these 2 little faces kept popping
>> their heads threw the hole. Turns out they were kittens born in March 2010
>> from a feral mother cat. I feed them over the summer and finally made
>> friends with the kittens. I bought a small dog house they could eat
>> without getting soaked in the rain, snow etc. I finally TRN them in Sept.
>> One is a healthy Gray Tiger one which I call "Hello". The other is a small
>> black and white which I call "Hello Kitty". they were both males. The
>> black and white seemed to eat alot less, very skiddish, not as friendly.
>> The tiger one is a big mouth meow, meow, hey here I am. They are so
>> bonded, so close. The tiger one seems to mother the Hello Kitty on all
>> terms, watching out for him, washing him.
>> Well, over this bad snow, cold winter the black and white came down sick,
>> I grabbed him FAST and set up a cage in the house. Took him to the vet, he
>> was on antibodics. Turns out he is Positive with FeLV. Since I never took
>> care of ferals in my life, this is all new to me and a bit overwhelming.
>> So we now have the black and white kitten (11 months old now) in the house
>> since Feb 14th and on:
>> Prednisolone (1 pill a day)
>> Chinese Herbs Immune enhancer (2 caps a day)
>> EFA vitamin and mineral supplement (1/4 teaspoon mixed with food)
>> Fellovite II (1/4 teaspoon or lick right from finger, which he does)
>> I also have the tiger one in the house and he was vaccinated from the
>> FeLV. so hopefully it  works, cause I can not separate them at  all.
>> I am also feeding other ferals outside. (The cats must look for
>> house........LOL)
>> Steroid: Big male black and white, he looks like his ear is tipped
>> Bobcat: pure black one shows up in the dark, in and out. Has a bunny
>> rabbit tail
>> V: gray male tiger, who's been missing since Long Island snow storm this
>> Feb
>> Red: Male just showed up the past 2 weeks, Friendly, but not neurterd
>> The Mama CAT: caught her in Oct and TNR. She is doing well, and healthy
>> and lives and eats by a women down the block.
>> Any suggestion would be so helpful!!
>> thank you
>> reneeny
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