Tell the doctor it was a stray and you have no clue where it went otherwise your insurance company will have a field day refusing to cover it and demanding the name of the friend etc.

You can refuse rabies shots.

FYI: I was at the ER within 15 minutes of the broken finger, having the wound cleaned, x-rayed etc. It still got infected. You have a lot more wiggle room on an arm though. IMHO.
On Jun 4, 2011, at 8:40 AM, wrote:

Yes. Go get a tetanus shot if you haven't had one in the last ten years. It's just a safety precaution, but my Doc fussed at me recently for not doing it after I got bit. Be careful about giving him too much info about the cat. Tell him it was a friend's cat. Sometimes the Docs will say you need to report it in case the animal has rabies. Don't do it. You'll be forced to take her to Animal Control so they can hold her for ten days to make sure she doesn't have rabies. Just tell him you were holding your friend's indoor only cat when you got bit and that you're not giving him your friend's name because she lives out of state. Yes, I'm paranoid but I've seen it happen.

The doc may want to prescribe you some antibiotics just in case. Probably wouldn't hurt to take them. If you washed your hand really good immediately after the bite you should be okay even though it will hurt for a couple of days. It probably won't get infected, but it's easier to take antibiotics for a couple of weeks as a precaution versus trying to deal with it after it became infected. But on Monday I'd recommend going to the doc. You can also get a tetanus shot at the health department but I was concerned they'd try to make me report the bite. Plus, it was more expensive than going to my doc and just paying the co-pay.

sent from my AT&T Smartphone by HTC

----- Reply message -----
From: "Jannes Taylor" <>
Date: Sat, Jun 4, 2011 9:07 am
Subject: [Felvtalk] Cat Bite
To: <>

Last night I had Amber in my lap upstairs. I am trying to get her use to seeing the other cats and use to the upstairs life. I had the IFA test performed by another vet and will hear from it next week. I am being optimistic so I wanted to get a head start on getting her acclamated. My youngest cat Moses decided to suddenly jump in my lap with her and Amber freaked out! In the process of holding on to her she bit me very hard on my hand. It hurt so bad and still does. It is red and slightly swollen. My husband thinks I am being paranoid about it, but I had a friend who almost lost his arm due to infection from a cat
bite. Should I visit the doctor??
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