You should definitely have her chest X-rayed.  Her symptoms sound a bit like my 
Fuji's.  She has mediastinal lymphoma. With treatment, she is still very 
healthy almost year after being diagnosed!

On the other hand, when VooDoo had a couple of bouts with the panting like 
breaths. I panicked, thinking, OH no, not again. He had a bit of fluid on his 
lungs. The doctor gave him antibiotics and cleared it right up!  No cancer 

Keep pressing forward because you wi find your answers!

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 26, 2011, at 3:57 AM, wrote:

> Hi Everyone:  
> I took Cali to Dr. Wright here in Dallas as Lakewood Vet Hospital.  He is 
> very compassionate and took a lot of time trying to explain what was going 
> on.  He agreed that it was highly unlikely that Sasha would get the virus 
> since Cali had probably had the virus from birth and they have always been 
> indoors.  Sasha has been vaccinated and she also tested negative on Monday of 
> this week.  
> He is doing a IFA test to be sure of Cali's situation.  He drew blood on 
> Wednesday, but then his office called yesterday and said that I needed to 
> bring Cali back in because the lab (or someone) messed up the test, and it 
> had to be redone.  So I still don't know the results.  
> He wanted to start her on 1cc of Interferon Alpha 2B (1X a day for 7 days and 
> then 1 time a week for thereafter). 
> She ate really well yesterday all day long but is still really tired and 
> basically wanted to eat, drink water, and sleep.
> Last night, before I started the Interferon, she started breathing with 
> short, fast, breaths. She was still eating and drinking well, just seemed to 
> be breathing more abruptly than normal.  I went ahead and started her on the 
> medication, but now this morning, she doesn't really want to eat and isn't 
> drinking much water.  She is still breathing kind of hard.   I called the Vet 
> and told them I wasn't going to bring her in to draw more blood today because 
> she seemed nauseaed and she has been at a vet almost every day this week.  
> They tell you not to stress a cat the is FeLV+ and then you need to take them 
> to a stressful environment everyday.  I don't understand.  I told them they 
> would have to draw the blood on Monday morning.  
> I guess my question is, can the Interferon give them nausea?  She hasn't 
> thrown up, but she "smacks" her lips together, which I think is a sign that 
> she has an upset stomach.  The Vet said that I needed to be concerned about 
> her not eating, but she was eating before I gave her the Interferon.  
> It's just last night her breathing changed to quick short breaths, before I 
> started the medication, so I don't know if that is something I should be more 
> concerned about more than the not eating, or what.  Too many things are 
> changing, and I don't know what to do first.
> Please give me some input.
> Thanks,
> Cathy  
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