How terribly upsetting for you Marcia, but very often other
cats in the household do not contract the FelV virus in spite
of not having been vaccinated.  


On 08-21, Marcia Baronda wrote:

> Hi everyone!  My one year old sweet litle boy was just diagnosed. I
> have a million questions and hope to learn a lot from all of you.
> This is every hard to swallow. I have 3 other adult cats in myj
> house that have not been vaccinated for felv. I didn't see a reason
> for it, I didn't trust the vaccine and I am sorry now. Funny thing
> is, is that I tried so hard to keep my cats healthy. I wouldn't
> even wear my shoes in the house for fear I would carry something
> in! Anyway, my little boy Fletch has a fever, horrible looking coat
> and I can feel his hipbones and some of his backbone. He continues
> to eat and drink ok. They are on a grain free diet and have a water
> fountain. Thanks so much for being here.
> Marcia
> Sent from my iPad

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