When we lived in the country on a pond we had Canada geese, and we
learned to tell them apart by the markings on their masks. They are
extremely intelligent, as well as being elegant beautiful birds. We
really loved them.  I am sickened now by the knowledge that they are
being "rounded up" as the DNR calls its,  because of people building
houses and golf courses on lakes that have always been the habitat of
the geese.  The rounds ups are done when the geese are molting and
therefore flightless, and I was nearly arrested from interfering in
one of those horrible round ups, where they are herded the terrified
geese into pens and then gassed them.

I've never witnessed a pigeon shoot, but I've read about them and
they are barbaric and cruel.  I'm glad the Hegins shoot has ended,
but I'm sure there are more elsewhere.  How people can enjoy such a
"sport" says a lot about the makeup of humans. We are the most cruel
beings on the face of the earth!


>    On 09-13, Natalie wrote: So do Canada geese (mate for life).  We
>    live on a pond, and they spend a lot of time here.  We feed
>    them, so they don't go on neighbors' properties, bothering them. 
>    We actually recognize them every year because of certain
>    markings, etc.  When one loses a mate, they stay alone.  I'm not
>    sure if they ever find another life-mate or not.
>    I  used  to  go  to  the Hegins (PA) Pigeon Shoots to protest. 
>    It was sick.  Families having picnics, while their "menfolk"
>    shot at pigeons that had been confined without food and water in
>    dark little traps for days- they were released, totally
>    disoriented, in sudden bright sdaylight.  They could hardly fly
>    up, they were so weak.  Then these brave men would take potshots
>    at them.  Some injured pigeons were able to fly off, land on
>    roofs and fields, dying a slow death.  Others fell right down,
>    flopping on the ground until teen boys nonchalantly sauntered
>    over to them, swung them by their necks, either broke their
>    necks, or ripped their heads off. One kid threw a decapitated
>    pigeon at me.  We had a tent set up with volunteer veterinarians
>    and wildlife rehabbers to treat the injured birds or euthanize
>    them humanely.
>    It  was  like  in Roman times, a bunch of degenerate, bored, and blood
>    lusty people amusing themselves.
>    Hegins Pigeon Shoot is no more, but there are still others!

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