Duh - I forgot

There is a very high possibility of heart failure.  If that is the case,
lasix will help tremendously.  There are a host of treatment options for
heart failure.  I have a cat with it and I give her coq 10.  There is a
fairly easy blood test for heart failure.  Otherwise it's ultrasound.  Good

I am glad to hear she looks good now, I hope the best for you two.


On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 3:45 PM, dppl dppl <dppl1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

>  Thanks again to all who are replying.  Marta, I didn't see the cat turn
> blue
> thevet told me this happened when they took her in the back to draw blood.
> she came out and told me this & suggested an x ray instead. Right now, it
> has been 1.5 days since vet visit and she is on lasix twice a day after
> one
> injection also in office. She also had a convenia two week antibiotic shot.
> She didn't have any panting or severe (to my observation) dificultity in
> breathing
> other than she seemed to have the sniffles and some discharge from eyes .
> I assumed
> she caught what my other three cats were treated for this month: upper
> respiratory
> infection. They all are doing fine. That's why i was in shock yesterday
> when vet
> told me i should seriously consider putting her to sleep right then. I
> couldn't do it
> b/c that morning, she had eaten (not as much as usual), drinking water,
> peeing. didn't see
> any panting. Right now she is sleeping peacefully.  She ate small amounts
> about 4 times
> today, is peeing alot and drinking water. She is cleaning herself and even
> took a small
> walk in the enclosed cat yard. I notice a small amount of mucus coming out
> of her nose, just a little when she sniffles.
> Jennie, i am so sorry to hear about your cat. I had a cat about 6 years
> ago that died of this.
> Again, I had no clue about this disease. .Your information was very
> helpful about lasix
> and fluid accumulation. I am sure, but I was in shock at the time, the vet
> said fluid was
> in the lungs but from the x ray, she couldn't even see her heart. I am
> praying that my
> cat just has an infection. but i know i have to plan now what to do. I'm
> not sure I would
> put her through much. just maybe keep her comfortable and as long as she
> is eating. I
> will call the vet monday and report on her condition and maybe if she is
> still doing
> fairly ok, ask for more lasix pills. she only gave me 10. I have to take
> this one day at
> a time. Thanks again. It is comforting to know there are others who
> understand what it is like to
> get bad news. She is such a sweet cat.  I don't consider her feral really
> even if born to feral. She is just
> afraid of strangers. She is one of three kittens I rescued from the feral
> mother's litter. I have her
> brother and her sister. The sister loves her so much. sits with her and
> they groom each other. the
> brother is a big pest to them.
>   *From:* dppl dppl <dppl1...@yahoo.com>
> *To:* "felvtalk@felineleukemia.org" <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
> *Sent:* Saturday, March 3, 2012 5:23 PM
> *Subject:* Off topic but if anyone can help with info? fluid in lungs
>   *I have been posting here about a positive kitten I found but now need*
> *help with my 13 year old cat.  In summary, can anyone direct me to*
> *a website discussion group on topic realted to fluid in lungs to help*
> *me  Details **are:**I took her to the vet today b/c she*
> *had a discharge from her eye & wasn't eating too much. Since I*
> *had just had two other cats treated for upper respiratory infection*
> *I thought she had it now. The vet said no fever, heart sounded ok*
> * and since bloodwork**was done 11 months ago I agreed to bloodwork.*
> *She suggested chest x ray but didn't indicate reason other than*
> *part of complete workup.  When they went to draw blood she stopped*
> *and said my cat was turning blue. So she said instead first do an x ray.*
> *x ray showed fluid in lungs with only small portion clear. She said *
> *could be cancer, fip, heart problems but needed more diagnostics.*
> *She does not have ultrasound so after a try to get sample with*
> *needle stopped to not distress cat. She suggested euthanizing cat*
> *right there.Since I had not noticed panting or heavy breathing, other*
> *than what i thought was cold related last day(no panting) just*
> *congestion, I could not bring myself to put her to sleep. Cat had*
> *recovered and was not blue.So she*
> *gave her a shot of lasix & antiobiotics. When I got my cat home*
> *she ate, drink and has urinated twice in last 3 hours. She doesn't seem *
> *in distress no panting but vet said she is breathing from stomach.I need*
> *guidance about symptoms and treatment/diagnosis course i should now*
> *take. And whether lasix alone will remove fluid.*
>    * *
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