I joined this list years ago, and have now needed to rejoin.  Trying to find 
testing protocol for FeLV and an explanation for it. 

I am with a rescue grp and we have just started trapping in a colony that had 
kittens last year and none of them tested pos.  We just took 9 kittens within a 
few days, and are close to having all of the adults neutered.  There were a few 
newcomers - mostly toms. 

All kittens tested neg until Bella, who tested a weak pos with Elysa sent out 
lab.  Moms were all mixed up in this colony, everyone taking care of each 
other's kittens.  

A 2nd vet did IFA test a few days after Bella's pos results, which I understand 
is too soon, but having a hard time trying to explain this!  

My concern is that even if all the kittens tested neg except Bella, that 
mean in a few weeks the same kittens would not retest pos.  My thinking is that 
more than one may have been exposed recently enough that the test might not be 
positive last wk, but may be tomorrow? 

Another vet thinks I am over thinking/reacting and we should just adopt out the 
ones that have tested neg right around the same time Bella tested positive. 

Looking for guidance - 

Thank you, 

----- Original Message ----
From: "dlg...@windstream.net" <dlg...@windstream.net>
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Sent: Mon, October 1, 2012 6:15:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Deciding-when-a-pet-has-suffered-enough

Bow hunting has started in my area and I keep my cats close to hoome.  Only 
Harley goes down the road, so HE stays inside.  I keep hearing "they are only 
animals" as the excuse.  Well, since we are suspossed to be descended from 
monkeys, we are animals so why can't I shoot them.  They are only animals arn't 

---- Natalie <at...@optonline.net> wrote: 
> I am so sorry to hear about the poor cat that was shot with an arrow - this
> is so typical this time of year when bowhunting begins for deer; dogs and
> cats are shot all the time.on purpose, because how could one think that a
> cat is a deer?  Could also be some stupid neighborhood kid practicing on
> small animals! Ted Nugent, the creepy rock star macho moron bowhunter,
> started his 3-yr old kid practicing bowhunting on small barn animals on his
> farm..
> Even when caught, these creeps get a mere slap on the wrist, if at all!
> I believe in karma, but it's not soon enough for me - I hope they rot in
> hell ASPA!
> Natalie
> From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
> [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Lisa Conner
> Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 10:36 AM
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Deciding-when-a-pet-has-suffered-enough
> Friends,
> We can only do our best everyday to help the victims without voices, either
> humans or animals.  Kevorkian was arrested because it is against the law to
> end lives.  Thanks goodness we can do what we can do, to end the suffering
> of a companion that is truly suffering (pet).   I am a Christian and believe
> in heaven and hell and Karma.  So, until we all die,  that person who puts
> their pet down to travel the world or whatever, is a selfish person to begin
> with and I am sure it is not the first time that they were disrespectful to
> life.  They will have to be judged  and only the Lord will have that talk
> with them at the end of their  life.  I live in Florida and just heard about
> a cat in Riverview that was found (alive) with an arrow in its back!   They
> are trying to find the person who did it.  Trust me, I am sure if it was a
> little child or adult,  the FBI would be involved.  But because it was a
> cat,  "they are doing their best". At the end of every day,  everything we
> do a group has a major impact on saving our furry friends.  We can also
> voice our opinion to the government to change laws.   God  Bless America.
> Let's be positive here,  we are in America and have the opportunity to
> change anything in our power as a group.  Look in the Middle East,  killing
> everyday!   Thank you to all you Vet techs that try to intervene and help
> out where you can. however,  you are right.. it is up to the VET to stand up
> for the healthy animals that they put to sleep.  

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