---- Kathryn Hargreaves wrote: > What pound was this? > > That's one of the 
only good things about the pounds around here is that > they don't test for 
FIV/Felv, so then they don't kill for it. Of course, > I think they should 
test, and still not kill for it. > > These are the open-admission No Kill 
(saving 90%+) shelters in the U.S.: > 
http://www.nokillhouston.org/no-kill-shelters-in-north-america/ Since > they 
made you wait for an opening, they are not open-admission by that list > 
compiler's standards. There are many so-called no-kill (note the > lowercase 
letters) ``shelters'' that are not open-admission, and many say > they are 
no-kill even if they do kill, presumably to get donations. > > The only way you 
can absolutely tell if a pound is a No Kill shelter is to > somehow get their 
intake/transfer/kill stats---sometimes via FOIA (Freedom > of Information Act). 
If you're lucky, they post them on their website. > > Most pounds in this 
country are just killing machines, unfortunately. See > the bottom of my 
messages for how to change this. Fortunately, now that > people know it can be 
done, they are demanding their pounds become No Kill > shelters. All it will 
take is time. Hopefully, in my lifetime. > > > On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 7:15 AM, 
Alev Durmus wrote: > > > Dear all, > > > > I feel for all of you who lost your 
cat(s). I have lost one too many and I > > can't bring myself to think losing 
another one. I would like to share > > something with you all and ask your 
opinions and advice since I am not > > originally from the US and I don't know 
how things go over here plus I > > might not be thinking straight because I am 
very upset. This happened on > > Saturday and I have been crying since... > > > 
> I came across to this cat-we named her River-less than 2 weeks ago cross > > 
the road from my home in an unused shed. I usually don't look around but > > 
for some reason, I looked towards the shed and there she was looking at > > 
me...She was not moving a lot, sickly and skinny. I started feeding her, > > 
she ate a lot and became more energetic in 2 days. She had started > > 
wandering around since she wasn't starving anymore and I became afraid of > > 
coyotes killing her or cold weather coming soon. I called the local no-kill > > 
shelter to ask what to do. They told me to take pictures and uploaded on > > 
their facebook page in order to locate her owners. She definitely had > > 
owners once and probably was dumped...She was a very loving sweet cat. I > > 
suspected, being a house cat she didn't know what to do to feed herself and > > 
that's why she was in that shape. After a while she was so great, even if > > 
she was not in the shed, she would come running when I called her. A few > > 
days later shelter called and said they had an opening for her. This was a > > 
good timing because of freeze warning coming to our way. I already have > > 
another cat and I didn't want to bring her home without knowing that she is > > 
healthy...We-me and the kids-were so happy to bring her to safety. They > > 
asked me to sign a form saying that I gave all her rights to the shelter. I > > 
was puzzled but knowing that it was a no-kill shelter I was > > not that 
concerned. I put a note saying that I was not the owner and she > > probably 
had an owner...I asked a lot of questions, when would we know > > about her 
health, how can we adopt her, can I visit her etc.? I told them > > we were 
planning to adopt her but my husband needed to be convinced...They > > told me 
the vet would be coming on Thursday and the blood test would be > > back and 
she would be in pet finder after a while. They said no to > > visitation and no 
to adopting her right from the shelter...I said what if > > someone adopts her 
before we see the ad, please call me etc...And then we > > left. I didn't know 
that I brought her to her death by my hands thinking I > > was doing the right 
thing... > > > > I called them Saturday and they informed me that they "put her 
to sleep" > > on Friday because she had FeLV+...I said why didn't you call? no 
> > answer...Between killing an animal and making a phone call they picked > > 
killing her. After I read online that there are many false positive on this > > 
test ( I don;t think anyone bothered to do the second test) and even if she > > 
was positive she could be living a long life in a one-cat household...I > > 
can't believe any animal lover would be that quick to kill one without > > 
exploring other options or calling someone-me- who showed extreme interest > > 
on saving this cat...Please anyone let me know if this is what they do in > > 
the shelters? Is there anything we can do to change their policy? She even > > 
gave me a line of " oh, you did such a good job taking care of her, she > > 
would have died if not for you" > > > > No one ever mentioned me killing the 
cat-never...If they did I wouldn't > > leave River there. > > > > Please drop 
me a few lines, I am still crying and I think I owe this to > > River to at 
least question their actions...I can't even look over the shed > > which is 
cross the road from my home-impossible to avoid and couldn't even > > tell the 
kids what happened... > > > > Thank you for all your help, > > > > > > Alev > > 
> > ---------------------------- > Go Get a Life---Go Get a Shelter Animal! > > 
If you can't adopt, then foster "bottle baby" shelter animal, to save their > 
life. Contact your local pound for information. > > > If you can't bottle feed, 
foster an older animal, to save their life, and > to free up cage space. > > > 
Ask your local animal pound to start saving over 90% of their intake by > 
implementing the No Kill Equation: > 
In my area they ahve an animal control for dogs, cats are just shot.

equation/> > Here's the current growing list of true No Kill communities: > 
http://www.nokillhouston.org/no-kill-shelters-in-north-america/ > > Legislate 
better animal pound conditions: http://www.rescue50.org > > More fun reading: 
http://www.nokilladvocacycenter.org/shelter-reform/guides/ > > More fun 
watching: http://vimeo.com/nokill/videos especially > http://vimeo.com/48445902 
> > > > Local feral cat crisis? See Alley Cat Allies' for how to respond: > 

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