Would it help to talk via e mail with sokme of our vets?  

---- Marcia Baronda <marciabmar...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> I remember being very frightened when I found out that Fletch was positive 
> for Felv. But then I found this list and the people on here gave me much 
> needed hope. They explained, just like Lee did that this IS NOT a death 
> sentence. So keep your chin up. Tanya's CRF web site has a list of many 
> different B complex vitamins that are available online and how much of each b 
> vitamin is in each product. It would be a great place to look. 
> Keep your chin up, we are all here for you.
> Marcia
> Sent from my iPad that my most awesome kids surprised me with, Christmas 
> 2010. 
> On Nov 20, 2012, at 6:28 AM, Lee Evans <moonsiste...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Sounds like the vets in  your country are not very knowledgeable about 
> > FeLv.  Your kitten is still young and might just be fighting the antibodies 
> > he got from a FeLv+ mother.  You need to retest him in about 2 to 3 months 
> > and he may be negative, having overcome the antibodies.  You need to know 
> > whether he is running a fever and how high it is.  You probably need to 
> > visit another vet for the retest because it seems like the animal doctors 
> > in your country haven't much interest in diagnostics past just testing for 
> > FeLv and FIV.  Sometimes the test can be positive for FeLv because the cat 
> > is fighting off another type of infection entirely.  It's not a death 
> > sentence.  It's a tool to see what can be done for the cat.  Just like 
> > testing a human for diabetes is a tool to see what medications would be 
> > needed if the person has diabetes.
> > 
> > Meantime give your cat good food.  I would recommend a vitamin like 
> > Nutra-Ved which can be purchased online without any prescription or maybe 
> > your vet has it in stock.  It's a liquid that you can either add to the 
> > food or give in a measured dose by mouth with a feeding syringe.  I 
> > currently have a cat named Desi who is leukemia positive.  However, 
> > although he lost a lot of weight, he grooms himself, he has shiny fur and 
> > he is alert, clear eyed and interested in things around him.  He was a 
> > colony cat who we fed for several years.  He just recently began losing a 
> > lot of weight and we had him tested, were surprised that he was FeLv+ 
> > because he was living outside all this time, never showing any symptoms of 
> > poor health.
> > 
> > Each cat is an individual.  One size medicine or vet care does NOT fit all. 
> >  So keep a good attitude and don't look at your cat as if he were ill with 
> > something fatal.  Look at him as if this is just another crisis in his life 
> > which he can overcome.
> > 
> > Keep us posted.  Hugs to you and your fur kid.
> >  
> > Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty 
> > neighbors too!
> > 
> > 
> > From: Marcia Baronda <marciabmar...@gmail.com>
> > To: "felvtalk@felineleukemia.org" <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org> 
> > Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 6:05 PM
> > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Feline Leukemia
> > 
> > Hi Laurine,
> > 
> > First let me say that I'm so sorry, because this is so scary and probably 
> > worse for you since it doesn't sound like you are getting any HOPE, which 
> > is so important. Does your kitty have a temperature? If you can get meds 
> > online I would definitely suggest some amoxicillin, if he has a fever. He 
> > may have an infection that he needs help with. You can order fish 
> > antibiotics over the Internet made by Thomas Labs. I hate to give this kind 
> > of advice, but it may make him better where he feels good enough to eat 
> > better. I would also give him some b complex vitamins
> > Because cats need them. Sometimes they will perk up and eat and drink 
> > better after having them. Twin Labs makes liquid b complex that you could 
> > give by syringe. Other people on here will be able to help better than I, 
> > because I'm kind of a newbie with the Felv. My heart goes out to you and 
> > your kitty.
> > 
> > Take care
> > Marcia
> > Sent from my iPad that my most awesome kids surprised me with, Christmas 
> > 2010. 
> > 
> > On Nov 19, 2012, at 3:00 PM, "Lauraine Venter" <laura...@hencon.co.mz> 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > > Funny enough around here they don't wanna put them to sleep (no space to 
> > > put them afterwards) so they just say sorry have some vitamins and good 
> > > bye when you leave their offices.  I will rather put myself to sleep than 
> > > do it to my kitty (sorry but I will)  I got him when he was 5 days old 
> > > and had to perform cpr on him at 10 days old as he didn't want to breath 
> > > anymore so he is super special for me he is my kid.  I will definitely 
> > > have a look at L-Lysine I am prepared to do anything for him as long as 
> > > he is not in any pain think that will kill me if I know he is in pain.  
> > > He is living a very stress free life thus far (own playroom, jungle gym, 
> > > toys, bed and even aircon as it get 40-45 degrees around here), my main 
> > > concern is that it was picked up to late being that he is losing weight 
> > > fast and still not eating good even if I give him his special treats that 
> > > he loves and yes his age.
> > > 
> > > Kind Regards
> > > Lauraine Venter
> > >
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