Good point about giving vaccines on intake. It is not effective to protect other cats, or the ones being vaccinated.

I have boarded at a veterinarian's office a few times in the past, when I had fewer cats. And once in the distant past at a pet store that had a boarding room (no dogs). I do not intend on ever boarding again, because it is just too stressful for cats, especially if the facility also boards dogs. The vet's office even gave my cats one of the exam rooms all for themselves. I checked in every day on my trip, and they told me verbally the cats were doing great, but I made them send pictures, and my cats looked very unhappy.


On 8/16/2014 6:32 AM, Margo wrote:

The post I was responding to was about Veterinary treatment of un-vaccinated 
animals, not boarding. That was my focus. Still, that requirement for boarded 
animals to be vaccinated is not very effective, anyway. Most facilities allow 
the required vaccines to be given on intake, meaning that (unless they are 
long-term boarders) they will not develop any immunity before they leave the 
facility. Not very reassuring to me. But profitable for those providing the 

But I don't board. I guess people who board their pets have researched the 
issues, and are comfortable with the procedures in place.

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