Apparently Brahms did have something to say about women composers. Can anybody give me a serious source for this quote, found in a German musical calendar with no bibliographical references:

"Es wird dann erst eine Komponistin geben, wenn der erste Mann ein Kind zur Welt gebracht hat"
(more or less "There won't be a woman composer until a man gives birth to a child")

My wife would like to include the quote in a book she's writing about French women composers, but she won't put it in unless she can give reasonable proof that Brahms actually said, or wrote it.

Oh, and just for the record: I consider myself to be both an atheist and a feminist, but this won't stop me from loving and playing music by Brahms.

Best wishes,

Michael Cook

On 11 avr. 05, at 23:49, Darcy James Argue wrote:

If Brahms had said "No Jew has ever been or will be a great composer" or "No African has ever been or will be a great composer" or "No woman has ever been or will be a great composer" I would sincerely hope that it would be relatively uncontroversial to point out that he was completely full of shit.

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