
made me laugh, your post;-) ... at first, that is.

But after I'd gone through the rest of the post, I'm asking myself...

First, I just wanted to be helpful. While the difference between 128 and 192 mbs certainly doesn't matter with those crap sounds, anyone calling himself (or herself) a musician should hear the difference using "real" music. And as for CD and SACD - if you cannot hear it, get a decent sound system or clean your ears.

But what I really cannot understand - I use Finale a lot for scoring and arranging - I would feel ashamed to burn the finale playback of a sound card to a CD... Even MP3s - and give them to other people. We are talking about music, right? Music?

I sometimes do some practice playbacks for my choir. What I can play on real instruments, I do. What I cannot, I do using VST instruments etc., and while not really real, it is about 32mb MP3 to SACD compared to those soundcard sounds... You won't hear that much of a difference between Steinbergs "The Grand" (2) and a grand piano. And it's played musically, as well...

I really like Finale's playback to proof read, and it's certainly become better in version 2004 - 2006 (even if the NI sounds cannot be recorded the easy way), but I certainly wouldn't like to rehearsal to a Finale playback, and feel quite ashamed to publish a work of mine using one...

It's ok for fellow finale users who know about the difference... But for real people? ...and real music?

And, David, I must confirm Lee, you don't have much of a whim of knowledge considering manners and modern sound technology and certainly don't know what you don't know


At 00:47 26.09.2005, you wrote:
> On 25 Sep 2005 at 23:54, Kurt Gnos wrote:
> > I use finale as a notation program, not for "real" music. .. .
> Well, good for you!
> > . . . If I was
> > you, . . .
> And you're clearly not.

[remaining know-it-all remarks snipped]

Kurt, if you haven't yet figured it out, it is a complete waste of time
answering any of David Fenton's remarks, even when you're trying to be
helpful, since he considers everyone except himself to be an idiot.  Save
your breath and ignore his arrogant and obnoxious posts.

Lee Actor
Composer-in-Residence and Assistant Conductor, Palo Alto Philharmonic

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