As this whole repeat thing is one of my pet peeves, I'm now going to mount
   my soapbox.
   Realizing  that in some circumstances repeats may be necessary or even
   preferable,  I believe that in most cases they are outdated. Since music no
   longer  needs  to  be  hand  copied, it make little sense to use these
   old-fashioned short cuts. Just copy and paste.
   Although many won't tell you unless you ask pretty directly, most orchestral
   musicians would much rather just play straight through. The less we have to
   expend precious mental resources on not being lost or confused, the more we
   have to use on music making. More mistakes (especially in rehearsal) are
   made at the "seams" in the music than anywhere else so don't put in extra
   ones. Especially the complex nested types.
   End of rant.
   Richard Smith
   Christopher Smith wrote:


Richard's rant is fine to a point, and it is important to note that he is saying "most orchestral musicians." For some reason they never got the practice that band musicians get for playing music with repeats, although with all those minuets in Haydn and Mozart I don't understand how they missed that lesson. However, in their defense, it's the repeats in longer movements such as the first or final movements in major works, where the repeat goes back over several pages, that cause the most problems.

But for goodness' sake, in band music which may very well be played outdoors, the fewer page turns the better! There's nothing worse than having to flip the paper over (including messing with clothespins or windclips). Far better in band music to use repeats when you can and keep the music on fewer pages.

Jazz bands seem not to have problems with repeats, DC / DS, codas, etc.

No musician, in my opinion, should have any problem with any of that stuff, assuming (of course) that the form is easy to see and clearly marked with large symbols.

Imagine a Strauss waltz such as Tales From the Vienna Woods written out in straight form from start to end -- each part would be 30 pages long! Why deforest North America simply because the musicians can't figure out the form? ;-)

David H. Bailey
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