On 11-Dec-08, at 11-Dec-08  12:44 PM, John Howell wrote:

As a string player I'm used to having a stand partner to turn pages--or to being that stand partner myself. But as a wind player I really feel like cussing out editors who blithely ignore bad or impossible page turns. And of course in jazz or commercial charts this is a special problem in rhythm section parts, where there ARE no rests!

Yeah, you get real good at finding places for the rhythm players to turn pages!

Piano and guitar are not as critical, because if they don't comp for a second, there's no big loss (but not both in the same measure!) No page turns during figures or solos for them, though!

Bass: the open strings can be used for page turns if you can't find a one-bar rest anywhere.

Drums: during ensemble figures is a bad time to turn, but if he is just playing time then he can turn with his left while riding with his right.

I found myself phoning the contractor once to find out if the tuba player was playing a BBb or a C tuba, so I could choose a page turn measure when he wasn't using his right hand! That, if I do say so myself, is hard core...


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