Finale does have a little window of time where if you buy an upgrade and the next one comes out soon they will give it to you for the price of postage. I had paid for 2008 not long before 2009 and I was able to get them to give me 2009. It is worth a try.


Johannes Gebauer wrote:
On 18.06.2009 J D Thomas wrote:
Time to seriously consider moving to Sibelius 6?

Couldn't resist.

Well. I certainly get the feeling that they actually fix things, whereas it seems with MakeMusic each version of Finale introuces more bugs. The worst ones seem to get fixed with the next payed upgrade, the rest never gets fixed at all.

A bug like this I simply expect to be fixed immediately. Ie within weeks rather than months.

I payed for the Finale 2k9 update only a few months ago. Lately I have not used Finale much, and I have only used 2k9 perhaps five times for very small jobs. Do I now have to get 2k10 to get this fixed? If that is the case Sibelius is becoming a very likely option. I am certainly not going to feed the folks at MM for their ridiculous bugs.

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