On 3/25/2011 6:45 PM, Christopher Smith wrote:

On Fri Mar 25, at FridayMar 25 5:37 PM, gplw...@letterboxes.org

isn't it time we moved beyond the egotistical false pride of
insisting that expressions be in Italian?  Or that dynamics be in
abbreviated Italian with extended greater than or less than signs?

I don't happen to think it's egotistical or false pride. All the
musicians I know instantly recognise P, F, and various wedges as
having musical meaning with no further translation or explanation
necessary, and will give me exactly what I need when I write them.
"Loud" takes up more room on the page and is slower for a musician to
read than "F". Even more so if English is not his first language.
Wedges indicate rhythmically exact starting and stopping places for
the changes of volume with remarkable efficiency.

I have no problems with expressions like "Gradually build to C" where
C is a rehearsal letter. But why substitute an expression that nobody
has seen before for one that everyone knows? I take similar exception
to your replacement for pedal markings. The text "hold down notes" is
less detailed, slower to read, and ultimately less effective than a
standard pedal marking or slurs.

Besides "hold down notes" isn't the same as using a pedal, although the result may be the same aurally. If I saw an instruction to "hold down notes" I would keep my fingers on the keys, not press the pedal with my foot, since I can't hold things with my feet. ;-)

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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