Dear FIS colleagues:

I apologize for being so quiet, considering the interesting topics
arisen with the occasion of our proposal to the COST open call of past
March, which we thank once again. This proposal as revisited by FIS
came to coincide in time with a call for themes proposal by the
European Science Foundation (Eurocores Theme Proposal), which we also
presented with a short timing. We may not succeed in the first
attempt, but anyhow it aims at opening a new scientific topic in the
ESF. If the proposed theme were selected, new projects in the
delimited field (well fitted to FIS interests) from any European state
could be presented to joint the research network. I say that, to
justify our silence in the FIS arena, while we were actually working
on it, although in the background. Afterwards, it was too late to
answer, when already other issues were under discussion… To keep on
the argument thread of our COST essays: we were not among the few
selected proposals, but were given reasons to hope and reworked the
proposal and applied again one week ago. About the theme proposal for
Eurocores, we do not have any evaluation yet.

Even if I am not answering straight forward Pedro’s words, I feel that
we should let FISers know our efforts in finding new cooperative
research scenarios within the realm of FIS interests. Now taking back
Pedro’s proposal of discussion about knowledge: on the one hand, I
cordially thank Pedro’s initiative of bringing to this outstanding
stage a part of our elucidation; on the other hand, before saying
something about the topic, I feel the need to set the context were the
strive for this definition take place, which also implies giving a
general idea about BITrum project (see
where we pursue an interdisciplinary approach to the information
concept from a maximally open perspective, aiming at the mutual
understanding of all the concerned points of view. As you may see in
the given link, one of the main means to get such a mutual
understanding is a glossary of concepts, metaphors, theories and
problems concerning information. At the first stage, it should help in
the definition of working teams, while in following stages it may
become an arena of discussion about particular issues, a reference of
specific themes and crystallization of both research (within working
teams) and consensus.
Hence, the elucidation itself will be somehow reflected in this
glossary, which edition has already started and its first public
version -although very incomplete- will see the light at the end of
this year.

Although BITrum members are committed to feed the glossary, any
interested author is wellcomed to contribute. The managing schema of
the glossary includes: 1) a coordination board for glossary edition;
2) an editor per article, who takes over the integration of every
contribution to such voice in a non redundant and rather systematic
article; 3) any other may contribute, as author or coauthor, with
entries, which will be afterwards integrated by the editor in an
As an example, Pedro is editor of the voices: “Action-perception
cycle”; “Cognit”; “Foundations of Information Science”; “Knowledge
recombination”. Other FISers, like Rafael Capurro, Wolfgang
Hofkirchner or Peter Fleissner also contribute as editors of other

After having given a general picture of the glossary and the projects
where it is a main axis, I feel free to go to the settled discussion
about knowledge, in which I contributed with the following entry to
the voice (I do not bring the other two entries to this voice, since
they are still in Spanish):

* * * KNOWLEDGE * * *
NOTE: “>[voice]” denotes that such voice is developed among glossary voices.

>From the most viewpoints regarding information and knowledge, the
relationships between these two concepts are close, especially as far
as the common use of both terms is concerned. As a rule, the position
of information is lower than that of knowledge, with information
somehow ‘nourishing’ knowledge. Nevertheless, this connection is
ignored in case of a radical syntactic vision, where the problem of
the relationship is avoided to address only its technical dimension
(as in the >Mathematical Theory of Communication), or also from a
radical pragmatic point of view, in which only what-is-being-done is
called into question. If that were the case, information is just
considered as a mere instrument of the action and, therefore, the
problem of whether information refers to objects is ignored (be it in
terms of whether we are dealing with a correct perception or if it is
known that p is the case).

Although conceptions of knowledge are and have been very different,
such as for the opinions regarding its definition, possibility, basis
or its modes, we can say that two fundamental models have prevailed:
the iconic one, according to which knowledge is an accurate picture
(of mental nature) of the object of knowledge, and the propositional
model, whereby knowledge is a real proposition. The problems of the
iconic model, where perception and apprehension play a key role, lies
in the specification of the limits between object and subject, as well
as in the explanation of non-iconic knowledge (such as logical,
mathematical and relational “truths”). However, in the propositional
model, where the scientific statement plays an exemplary role, the
inevitable circle, which comprises the justification of knowledge,
becomes problematic (>Gödel´s incompleteness theorem). But, whatever
the model of representation, there would be a difference between
knowledge and a true opinion, insofar as only that one knows how to
justify himself (although its justification is only partial or

According to what is said, it is clear that in all those ideas on
information in which semantic dimension is considered, its link with
knowledge must appear. Normally, a more analytic concept for
information is adopted and a more synthetic one for knowledge, as well
as a bigger proximity to the object on the part of the information and
to the subject on the part of knowledge.

For >Dretske “knowledge is belief produced by information”, and belief
always relates to a background of knowledge. From a naturalistic
perspective, in which a casual dependence occurs among the internal
states of a living being and external conditions, information for
Dretske creates experience (sensory representations) and causes
beliefs (cognitive experiences), which underlie the sedimentation of

According to Floridi’s semantic approach, knowledge is constituted in
terms of justifiable semantic information, i.e. information
constitutes the elements for further inquiry. In its turn, information
is the result of a data modelling process, which unlike the Dretske’s
naturalistic assumption does not necessarily represent the intrinsic
nature of the studied system (or is not necessarily directly linked to
it by a causal chain), instead, it will depend on the development of
the data by knowledge. In turn, the data are conceived as resources
and restrictions that allow for the construction of information.
Therefore, one can say that Floridi proposes an architectural
relationship between knowledge, information and data, where the first
one is situated on the summit and the data on the base. At the same
time, and as a result of this interrelationship, he replaces the
requirement of truth of Dretske (who also endorses the situational
semantic theory) by a requirement of truthfulness, so that instead of
searching for a correspondence between the statement and the content
of the information, a correspondence is rather being sought between
what is reported and the informant.

In the >Unified Theory of Information, knowledge is constituted by
means of interpreting the data (or assigning meaning), which, in turn,
is the basis for decision-making that makes up “practical wisdom”. In
this case, we are talking about different levels of information rather
than a dependency relationship, so that information is gradually
processed: first, at the syntactic or structural level, then at the
semantic or state level, and, finally, at the pragmatic or behavioural
level. The information processing is performed by means of
interrelationship between the adjacent strata and not in terms of a
casual progression (as in Dretske’s naturalism).

* * *
Sorry if it was too long:  I just wanted, besides contributing to
Pedro’s opened discussion, to show how we are developing the glossary,
to which all of you are very kindly invited. I thank again Pedro for
giving us this opportunity.

Best regards to all,

José María Díaz Nafría
BITrum project Coordination board
Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio
Madrid (Spain)

> Date: Thu, 01 Oct 2009 18:16:12 +0200
> From: "Pedro C. Marijuan" <>
> Subject: [Fis] Definition of Knowledge?
> To: fis <>
> Dear FISers,
> I was asked several months ago, in the context of the Leon conference
> (BITrum & interdisciplinary elucidation of the information concept, last
> June) to participate in the definition of some info-related concepts.
> "Knowledge" was one of them (if I am not wrong). After some trials I
> have realized that the task is outside the bounds of my competence
> --except in a rather trivial, anthropomorphic sense, one gets caught in
> regressions almost inevitably... Maybe one has to take care
> simultaneously of the whole lot of basic characteristics pertaining to
> informational entities ("concepts" included...). Well, sorry to the Leon
> colleagues that I have failed to fulfill the compromise, but I think
> there is interesting discussion to be advanced  behind it.
> best
> Pedro
> PS. We are starting the firs steps in the neurodynamic central theory
> proyect (NCT). Interested parties might have openings yet, contact Fivos
> Panetsos ( and me (

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