Hi Loet,

I love your comment about the two Chinese terms, but I hope you
haven't come away with the impression that I have remained in the
realm of Shannon information. I have merely tried to take a small
cautious step away from “sjin sji” and toward “tsjin bao” --
recognizing that there is much more work to do.

— Terry

On 1/31/15, Loet Leydesdorff <l...@leydesdorff.net> wrote:
> Dear Bob (and colleagues),
> It seems to me that you drive the problem home by signaling that the use of
> the word “information” is very loose in many of our debates. Actually, you
> argue – if I correctly understand – that this is rich: words only obtain
> meaning within a sentence, and one can import “information” in differently
> phrased sentences. :)
> The concept that is missing in this context is “codification”. The word
> “information” cannot only be used loosely, but also as a reference to a
> concept with meaning from theoretical perspectives. I understood that in
> Chinese, one has two words for information: “sjin sji” and “tsjin bao”; the
> former being Shannon-type information, and the latter also meaning
> intelligence.
> It seems to that Terry’s information concept in these discussions is rather
> Shannon-type. He adds the point that information is relative to maximum
> information (which can also be precisely defined using Shannon). The
> difference between maximum information and maximum information is
> redundancy. Weaver (1949) already noted that in addition to engineering
> noise, one may have semantic noise or – equivalently – semantic redundancy
> if, for example, the sources of noise are correlated; for example, in
> language. This refinement can go further in scholarly discourse where the
> use of language is restricted.
> Thus, I don’t agree that the journey is the purpose in itself; the
> objective
> is to move information theory forward as a scientific enterprise. “Wo
> Begriffe fehlen, fuegt zur rechten Zeit ein Wort sich ein.” :)
> Best wishes,
> Loet
>   _____
> Loet Leydesdorff
> Emeritus University of Amsterdam
> Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR)
>  <mailto:l...@leydesdorff.net> l...@leydesdorff.net ;
> <http://www.leydesdorff.net/> http://www.leydesdorff.net/
> Honorary Professor,  <http://www.sussex.ac.uk/spru/> SPRU, University of
> Sussex;
> Guest Professor  <http://www.zju.edu.cn/english/> Zhejiang Univ., Hangzhou;
> Visiting Professor,  <http://www.istic.ac.cn/Eng/brief_en.html> ISTIC,
> Beijing;
> Visiting Professor,  <http://www.bbk.ac.uk/> Birkbeck, University of
> London;
>  <http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ych9gNYAAAAJ&hl=en>
> http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ych9gNYAAAAJ&hl=en
> From: Fis [mailto:fis-boun...@listas.unizar.es] On Behalf Of Bob Logan
> Sent: Friday, January 30, 2015 3:07 PM
> To: Pedro C. Marijuan
> Cc: 'fis'
> Subject: Re: [Fis] Concluding the Lecture?
> Thanks Pedro for your remarks. We have not reached our destination as you
> point out but the important thing is to enjoy the journey which I certainly
> have. It is inevitable that with such a slippery concept as information
> that
> there will be different destinations depending on the travellers but what I
> like about FIS in general and the dialogue that Terry prompted in
> particular
> is the interesting ideas and good company I encountered along the way. As
> for your remark about searching where there is light I suggest that we pack
> a flashlight for the next journey to be led by our tour guide Zhao Chuan.
> One common theme for understanding the importance of both information and
> intelligence for me is interpretation and context (figure/ground or
> pragmatics). Thanks to all especially Terry for a very pleasant journey. -
> Bob
> ______________________
> Robert K. Logan
> Prof. Emeritus - Physics - U. of Toronto
> Chief Scientist - sLab at OCAD
> http://utoronto.academia.edu/RobertKLogan
> www.physics.utoronto.ca/Members/logan
> <http://www.physics.utoronto.ca/Members/logan>
> www.researchgate.net/profile/Robert_Logan5/publications
> <http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Robert_Logan5/publications>
> On 2015-01-30, at 8:25 AM, Pedro C. Marijuan wrote:
> Dear Terry and colleagues,
> At your convenience, during the first week of February or so we may put an
> end to the ongoing New Year Lecture --discussants willing to enter their
> late comments should hurry up. Your own final or concluding comment will be
> appreciated.
> Personally, my late comment will deal with the last exchange between Bob
> and
> Terry, It is about the point which follows:  "...there was no thesis other
> than the word information is a descriptor for so many different situations
> and that it is a part of a semantic web - no roadmap only a jaunt through
> the countryside of associations - a leisurely preamble."
> In my own parlance, we have been focusing this fis session on the
> microphysical foundations of information (thermodynamic in this case) which
> together with the quantum would look as the definite foundations of the
> whole field, or even of the whole "great domain of information." But could
> it be so? Is there such thing as a "unitary" foundation? My impression is
> that we are instinctively working "where the light is", reminding the trite
> story of the physicists who has lost the car keys and is looking closest to
> the street lamp.  The point I suggest is that the different informational
> realms are emergent in the strongest sense: almost no trace of the
> underlying information realms would surface. Each realm has to invent
> throughout its own engines of invention the different informational &
> organizational  principles that sustain its existence. It is no obligate
> that there will be a successful outcome.... In the extent to which this
> plurality of foundations is true, solving the microphysical part would be
> of
> little help to adumbrating the neuronal/psychological or the social
> information arena.
> The roadmap Bob suggests is an obligatory exploration to advance; we may
> disagree in the ways and means, but not in the overall goal. It is a mind
> boggling exercise as we have to confront quite different languages and
> styles of thinking. For instance, the next session we will have at FIS (in
> a
> few weeks) is an attempt of an excursion on "Intelligence Science".
> Presented by Zhao Chuan, the aim is of confronting the phenomenon of
> intelligence from a global perspective amalgamating science (artificial
> intelligence), emotions, and art (poetic and pictorial). Not easy, but we
> will try
> Anyhow,  Terry, we much appreciate your insights and the responses you
> have
> produced along the Lecture. It was a nice intellectual exercise.
> Best wishes to all---Pedro
> -------------------------------------------------
> Pedro C. Marijuán
> Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
> Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
> Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Aragón (CIBA)
> Avda. San Juan Bosco, 13, planta X
> 50009 Zaragoza, Spain
> Tfno. +34 976 71 3526 (& 6818)
> pcmarijuan.i...@aragon.es <mailto:pcmarijuan.i...@aragon.es>
> http://sites.google.com/site/pedrocmarijuan/
> -------------------------------------------------
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