On 6/13/06, Merrill, Jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm on both lists, and the newbie list is more advanced than you would think.  
Most of the questions there could easily be posted here.  There are newbie 
questions of course, but a majority of the subscribers are intermediate to 
advanced Actionscripters.

But what's the point of having two lists then?

I don't and I can't read all of the messages here. I also found myself
reading it far less than I used to. I like to help people when I can
once I'm here, but I come here because there is the benefit of
learning about issues others face so I'm aware of them should I run
into them in the future. It helps me to know what is going on in the
Flash world, what kind of tools are out there and what techniques
people use. You know, those moments when you remember you read
something somewhere and begin to look it up because you know there is
something out there that might be helpful in the situation you found
yourself in.

However, when I read questions that show somebody didn't RTFM, I just
roll my eyes and move on. If that happens too often, I just don't read
the list any more. I don't consider that an elitist attitude at all,
it really is only the short moment when I decide where to click -- I
tend to click on, say, the haXe list or osflash as soon as I notice a
new mail arrived because I find it exciting, but to be honest, when I
click on FlashCoders, the motivation is, well, distraction.
That's sad, and I really miss the discussions that used to be here
during times when hot topics were whether to use Rebel Alliance style
inheritance or to better stick with the docs and swallow that extra
instantiation of a prototype object. Those were the kind of threads
that drew me to this list, and I have learned a lot just by reading
discussions between some of the resident AS Gods.

I guess what it boils down to is that I need the feeling that the list
is relevant to my needs to keep reading it. In fact, newbie questions
are only part of the issue, the other is simply that Flash has grown
and there are areas that don't affect me, no matter how
"sophisticated" the question may be. For example, I don't use the
Macromedia/Adobe components, so I consider questions regarding them as
noise, even though they are of course totally appropriate to ask here.
That there are obvious beginner questions is just something on top of
that that lessens the value the list has for me, personally, and that
seems unnecessary since there is a list specifically for FlashNewbies.



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