> Experienced coders who don't want to take the time to trawl through
> possibly impenetrable code read those documents.

If you write impenetrable code, you need to reevaluate your career
choice.  If you're not willing to put forth the effort to be great at
what you do, especially in something as sensitive as programming, then
do something else for a living.  No amount of documentation can make up
for bad code, and a bad coder isn't going to write good documentation
anyway!  ;)

And to the point about Javadoc, I'm not going to ruin my code and
handicap my debugging ability to satisfy some poorly thought out
requirement of a 3rd party tool.  They require you to use block
commenting in your code to automatically write documentation and that's
counterproductive to actual coding.  It should work hand in hand with
not diametrically opposed to the coding process.  If they were smart
about it, they would support line commenting with non-asterisk
delimiters.  Say //! !//, or //| |// or //[ ]//, etc.  Exclamations,
pipes, and brackets are all better choices because they do not conflict
with anything.

I'm not going to make my process suffer nor am I going to litter my code
with ugly asterisks just to document my work when I can spend that
energy writing cleaner, easier to read code with light commenting in the
code itself.   :)

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