As Weyert was getting at, just use default argument values, which
would only be applied if you didn't specify an argument...


               public function Ball(which:String = "soccerball"){

this way you can do:

var b:Ball = new Ball("basketball");

and you can drag an instance to the stage (which would default going
to frame "soccerball"

but, seeing as it is a component, you probably want to have an
inspectable, these are properties that can be set through the
"Component Inspector"

If I were to write the class/component, I would probably do write it like:


        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        public class Ball extends MovieClip{
                private var _ballType:String = "";
                [Inspectable(name="Ball Type", defaultValue = "soccerball",  
type = String)]

                public function set ballType(_value:String):void{
                        _ballType= _value;
                public function get ballType():String{return _ballType;}
                public function Ball(which:String = "soccerball"){
                        ballType = which;

- Taka

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 9:12 AM, Gregory N <> wrote:
> Muzak,
> Nice addition, thanks for pointing to it.
> Frankly, I'd prefer to avoid calling commitProperties() after *each*
> of the setters...
> Anyway, this way looks better than my enter_frame trick :-)
> However, the problem " none of the setters are called if no
> inspectable params were changed" still remains. So we have to
> duplicate default values in [Inspectable] and constructor/declaration
> (or some init function)
> On 2/19/09, Muzak <> wrote:
>> This workflow is more or less what the Flex components follow:
>> package {
>>  import flash.display.MovieClip;
>>  public class Rectangle extends MovieClip {
>>   private var _prop:String = "Hello";
>>   private var propChanged:Boolean = false;
>>   public function Rectangle():void {
>>    trace("Rectangle ::: CONSTRUCTOR");
>>    init();
>>   }
>>   private function init():void {
>>    trace("Rectangle ::: init");
>>    // do stuff here
>>    commitProperties();
>>   }
>>   protected function commitProperties():void {
>>    trace("Rectangle ::: commitProperties");
>>    if(propChanged) {
>>     trace("    - propChanged: ", propChanged);
>>     trace("    - prop: ", _prop);
>>     propChanged = false;
>>     // do stuff with _prop
>>    }
>>   }
>>   [Inspectable(defaultValue="Hello")]
>>   public function get prop():String {
>>    trace("Rectangle ::: get prop");
>>    return _prop;
>>   }
>>   public function set prop(value:String):void {
>>    trace("Rectangle ::: set prop");
>>    if(value != _prop) {
>>     _prop = value;
>>     propChanged = true;
>>     commitProperties();
>>    }
>>   }
>>  }
>> }
>> regards,
>> Muzak
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Gregory N" <>
>> To: "Flash Coders List" <>
>> Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 10:25 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] component def doesn't pass params to constructor?
>>> Michael,
>>> Haven't you read my reply to one of your prev. questions?
>>> Well, let me quote it here again:
>>> ===
>>> Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] my component not instancing properly on
>>> timeline
>>> It seems your problem is similar to one I had with my components.
>>> The matter is that, unlike their behavior in AS2, in AS3 (CS3)
>>> components setters of  [Inspectable] parameters are called lo-o-ong
>>> AFTER constructor
>>> As described here
>>> So, even if I set my init() as listener for ADDED_TO_STAGE event...
>>> it's still before setters.
>>> for now, I found a solution:
>>> I put my init() in ENTER_FRAME listener and then remove this listener :-)
>>> This means that listeners are called before 1st  ENTER_FRAME event.
>>> Perhaps my solution isn't too elegant.... but it works :-)
>>> Also, be sure to duplicate default values for your parameters :-)
>>> ===
>>> Note that the above solution is intended to use with sprite-based
>>> components.
>>> Perhaps if you subclass UIComponent, the situation with setters is
>>> better... perhaps :-)
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> Best regards,
>  GregoryN
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